Dance Review Basketball Game
This dance element uses heavy/light, sharp/smooth, tense/relaxed, and bound/flowing movements Force/Energy
In dance, if you are walking, what is your level? Middle
What are the 3 purposes of dance? Ceremonial Artistic Recreational
What is the purpose of a dance that expresses emotion, uses self-expression, or tells a story? Artistic Expression
The element of dance that uses locomotor movements, non-locomotor movements, directions, levels, pathways, focus and size is called… Space
Accent, rhythmic pattern and duration make up what element of dance? Time
The form of dance that has two separate parts is called… AB
What is the dance called that all N. A What is the dance called that all N.A. performed before moving to reservations to bring back the dead, the buffalo and to make white people leave? Ghost dance
What dance/game was performed by African Americans where they “lay the blanket down”? Little Johnny Brown
Name the three elements of dance Space Time Force
This dance originated in Italy, the terms are French, and the Russians became best known for it. It is a graceful, narrative, artistic dance. Ballet
A person who creates a dance competition is called? Choreographer
Straight and curved are examples of what? Pathways
If a group of people dance to honor ancestors, worship or for rituals, the purpose is what? Ceremonial
In this dance, rhythm comes from feet and the purpose is artistic expression. Tap
Name 2 early American folk dances. Square Clogging Minuet, Reels waltz
Which dance is a 3 step partner dance that began in Europe, uses the closed position, and later became popular in America. Waltz
What is the dance called that was started in midevil times to red the body of poison from a spider bite? Tarentella
Forward, backward, sideways and diagonal refer to what? directions
Most Native American and African dances are performed for what purpose? ceremonial
Line, square and ballroom dances are performed for what purpose? Recreational/social
What is the official U.S. folk dance? Square Dance
What is the official Kentucky folk dance? Clogging
The recreational dance that is done with 4 couples and a caller telling the dancers what to do is called what? Square Dance
What is the dance that is similar to tap and square dance an is done in Eastern Kentucky. Clogging
When one person or group does a movement sequence and then another person or group responds, what is the form of the dance? Call and Response
A three part movement phrase where the first phrase is repeated after the second phrase is which form of dance? ABA
The form of dance that tells a story is called… Narrative
Examples of this type of movement are bend, twist, stretch, swing. Nonlocomotor
The ____ is where the audience or dancer’s eye is drawn. Focus