Academy Funding in 2014/15 This presentation will cover: context changes from 2013/14 exceptions and exclusions overview of high needs timetable further information 1
The context The overall architecture is the same Refinements 2
Journey from complex to simple 3 Multiple local and national data sources 37 Factors 8,000 Variations 150 LA models Pre 16 statement Post 16 statement High Needs statement 12 Factors National datasets 1 statement Refine and improve 13 factors Before / /15
Refinements and improvements Changes to some existing factors A new requirement on the amount of funding to be pupil-led Changes to the lump sum Introduction of a new sparsity factor A new ‘falling rolls’ fund introduced Changes to the Schools Forum regulations 4
School Budget Share Basic entitlement Deprivation Looked After Children Mobility Prior Attainment English as an Additional Language 6 th FormLump SumRatesFringeSplit site Private Finance Initiative 12 funding factors introduced in 2013/14 5
School Budget Share Basic entitlement Deprivation Looked After Children Mobility Prior Attainment English as an Additional Language 6 th FormLump SumRatesFringeSplit site Private Finance Initiative Some factors remain the same 6
School Budget Share Basic entitlement Deprivation Looked After Children Mobility Prior Attainment English as an Additional Language 6 th FormLump SumRatesFringeSplit site Private Finance Initiative Some factors have changed 7
School Budget Share Basic entitlement DeprivationLACMobilitySENEAL6 th Form Lump Sum RatesFringeSplit sitePFI Sparsity Factor And there is a new ‘Sparsity Factor’ 8
School Budget Share Basic entitlement Deprivation Looked After Children Mobility Prior Attainment English as an Additional Language 6 th FormLump SumRatesFringeSplit site Private Finance Initiative Sparsity 13 funding factors in 2014/15 9
Refinements to pupil-led factors Minimum £2k for primary pupils; £3k for secondary pupils Basic Entitlement Changes to measurement at Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 2 Prior Attainment Now only applied when the number of ‘mobile’ pupils exceeds 10% Mobility Applies to any child who has been in care for at least one day during a specified period Looked After Children
Changes to pupil-led funding: Local authorities must ensure that at least 80% of delegated funding is distributed by pupil-led factors 11
Changes to the lump sum 2013/14 PrimarySecondary Up to £200, /15 PrimarySecondary Up to £175,000 Option to have different lump sums for primary and secondary Lump sum capped at £175,000 per school Amalgamating schools receive 85% of the combined total for the next full year LA Pro forma includes sparsity calculation 12
The new sparsity factor - Eligibility Primary School Up to 150 pupils More than an average of 2 miles to second nearest school Secondary School Up to 600 pupils More than an average of 3 miles to second nearest school. Middle and ‘All Through’ Up to 600 pupils More than an average of 2 miles to second nearest school 13
The new sparsity factor - Funding Aimed at supporting necessary small schools £100k maximum allowable for a sparse school Flat rate or tapered amount, relative to the size of the school 14
Sparse Primary Academy Next nearest school 1 mile 2 miles 1 mile 3 miles 5 miles 2 miles 4 miles Sparse Primary Academy has 100 pupils Average miles to the next nearest school = 2.38 miles 15 KEY Distance to Sparse Primary Academy Distance to 2 nd nearest school
Sparsity factor calculations Pupils whose nearest school is ‘Sparse Primary Academy’ Distance to next nearest school (miles) School BSchool C Pupil 12 Pupil 23 Pupil 34 Pupil 45 Pupil 51 Pupil 61 Pupil 71 Pupil 82 Total Miles to 2 nd nearest school 145 Average miles: 19 miles/8 pupils = 2.38 miles 16
Falling rolls fund Fund in advance of a temporary dip in population Only for good or outstanding schools / academies Schools Forum to agree the criteria and be consulted on allocations Needs to relate to local place planning 17
Changes to Schools Forum regulations One member from an institution providing education to year olds required Requirement to have representation from a partnership removed 18
Exceptions and exclusions examples Carry forward of approval on exceptional premises factors No carry forward of approval for exclusions from the MFG Changes to pupil numbers as a result of reorganisation or age- range change Sparsity calculation, if the ‘crow flies’ measure produces perverse results 19
How is the calculation put together? School Budget Share Calculation Minimum Funding Guarantee Education Services Grant £ 20
Pupils with special educational needs (SEN) Now mandatory that local authorities delegate sufficient funding to allow schools to meet the costs of additional SEN support up to £6k Criteria for extra targeted funding to be decided in advance and described on pro forma More detail in the separate High Needs presentation 21
Pre-16 high needs funding Element 1: core education funding Element 3: top-up funding ‘Top up’ funding from the local authority responsible for the pupil (or it could be a school in the case of AP) to meet the additional costs of meeting the needs of each pupil or student placed in the institution Element 2: additional support funding Place Led Mainstream per pupil funding (basic entitlement) Contribution of £6,000 to additional support required by a pupil Mainstream Setting Pre 16 SEN and AP Base funding of £10,000 for SEN and £8,000 for AP placements. Base funding is provided on the basis of planned places Specialist Setting Pupil Led 22
Late changes or differences of opinion on place numbers Place numbers LAAcademyEFA 23
Growth revenue Pupil numbers decreasing –Lagged funding (Census based) –Estimates (Pupil Number Adjustment) –Falling rolls fund Pupil numbers increasing –Popularity –Basic need –Small and/or rapidly growing institutions –LA wide re-organisation –Exceptional circumstances 24
Inputs: your funding calculation LA pro forma Census Estimates Allocation 25 The accuracy of your allocation depends on the data on which it’s based.
Where next? Before 2013/14 Multiple local and national data sources 37 Factors 8,000 Variations 150 LA models Pre 16 statement Post 16 statement High Needs statement 2013/14 12 factors National datasets 1 statement 2014/15 New sparsity factor Refinements and improvements 2015/16 National Fair Funding Formula Self Service 26
Key dates 14 OctoberRFDC 1 - collection of estimated pupil numbers from establishments not on Census 31 October Due date for local authorities to provide draft Pro Forma submissions 31 OctoberSchool Census return deadline 20 NovemberWebinar - High Needs for academies 25 NovemberWebinar – Funding for Free Schools, UTCs and Studio Schools 29 NovemberRFDC2 - Collection of additional data required for non-recoupable establishments 23 DecemberLocal authorities submit high needs place numbers to EFA 21 JanuaryLocal authorities provide final Pro Forma submissions Mid FebruaryEFA start to communicate academy allocations 31 MarchAll academies have received a 2014/15 allocation 27
Funding guidance available on the DfE website and Resources tab of the Live Group portalResources Queries and applications to disapply the regulations should be sent to Recoupment guidance for can be found herehere Academy enquiries can be addressed to Responses on the Feedback tab of the Live Group portalFeedback Further information 28
Other online events Presentations: Post-16 funding High Needs for academies High Needs for Local Authorities Webinars: High Needs for academies High Needs for Local Authorities Funding for Free Schools, University Technical Colleges and Studio Schools 29