Positive/Negative can Statements Subjectcan Base verb Irun. He She It swim. You* We They talk. can cannot can’t *You is either singular or plural.
Notes Can yeterlilik ve mümkünlük ifade eder I can run. It can rain at any moment. “can” in olumsuzu “cannot”; kısaltılmış formu is “can’t” dir. I cannot believe it. I can’t fly.
Questions with Can Tabloyu dolduralım… Bazı yerlerde birden fazla doğru cevap mümkün olabilir Subjectcan Base verb Subject Iyou? You*English? he she it with us? wethe books? theyJapanese? Can help speak come carry understand *You is either singular or plural.
Exercise 1: Kendimizi göz önüne alarak, “can” veya “can’t” kullanalım. a. I ……… speak Chinese. b. I ………. sing very well. c. I ………. run 20 kilometres. d. I ……… ride a bicycle. e. I ………. play basketball. f. I ………… swim. g. I ………… understand my teacher of English.
Exercises 2: 1. Monkeys ……….. talk. 2. Pigs ……… fly. 3. I ……… play the piano but Cory can't. 4. You …….. go on vacation. It's too expensive. 5. ……… I borrow some money? 6. I don't know the answer. ……….. you tell me? 7. Tony ……. come tonight, he's too busy. 8. Jim makes great food. He ……. cook really well. 9. Excuse me, ……… we see the movie. 10. It's too noisy. We ……. study well.
Exercise 3: 1. The baby is ill, so we ________ come to the dinner tomorrow night. Sorry. 2. I ________ speak French, but I know how to ask for someone's name and age. 3. Look, Barry. Is that our house over there? ________ you see it? 4. Maggie, speak a little louder. We ________ hear you at the back of the room. 5. Where's my phone? I put it on the table and now I ________ find it!
Kibar Ricalar May I Could I May I borrow your book, please? Could I borrow your book, please? Formal Can I Can I borrow your book? Informal Tipik Cevaplar : Certainly, Yes certainly. Of course Of course,you may. “I” öznesi ile yapılan ricalar
COULD YOU WOULD YOU WILL YOU Could you give me some information, please? Could you please tell me the way to the station? Would you open the door for me, please? Will you lend me your book,(please)? Will you be quiet, please? Formal CAN YOU Can you lend me your dictionary? Can you open the door, please? Informal “You” öznesi ile yapılan ricalar Kibar Ricalar
İZİN İSTEME, İZİN VERME, REDDETME İzin İsteme Can I...? Is it okay if...? May I...? Could I...? Do you mind if I...? Would you mind if...?
İzin Verme Yes, of course. Yes, you can. Yes, certainly. Sure. Go ahead. Yes, you may. I don't mind. No problem. Please... do. İZİN İSTEME, İZİN VERME, REDDETME
Reddetme I'm afraid not. No, I think. No, you cannot. You couldn't do that. Sorry, you are not permitted. Sorry, but I'd rather you didn't. I'd prefer you not do. İZİN İSTEME, İZİN VERME, REDDETME
Exercise-4 1)Could I open the window? 2)Can we review unit 4? 3)Could we use our dictionaries? 4)May I ask a question? 5)Could I borrow a pen? A.I am afraid we can’t. We don’t have time. B.Yes, certainly. Here you are. C.Sure but don’t look up every word. D.Yes,of course. It’s hot in here. E.Go ahead but be quick, please.
Exercise-5 1.You want to open the window. May …………. 2. Your class wants to reviw unit 6. Could ……….. 3.You want to borrow a classmate’s pen. Can ………….. 4. You want to ask a question? May …………. 5. You want to leave five minutes early. Could ……….