Bullying Through the Use of Electronic Media and the Responsibility of Schools in Regulating it Alicia Kellier CBSE 7202T Spring 2013
Table of Contents: Table of Contents: Research Design Threats to Internal Validity Threats to External Validity Proposed Data Pre and Post Survey Results Proposed Data Analysis and Correlation Appendix A-F
Introduction: Introduction: The use of electronic media, such as cell phones and computers, to bully others is steadily on the rise. It is a problem that has gone into unchartered territory, as we are now seeing the full ramifications from it. Children and teenagers are the ones that are highly affected by this. The problem arises when students use electronic media to bully their classmates. Where then does the responsibility lie when trying to curb this specific behavior, the school, parents, or law enforcement?
Research Design: Research Design:
Threats to Internal Validity: Threats to Internal Validity:
Threats to External Validity: Threats to External Validity:
Proposed Data: Proposed Data:
Proposed Data contd : Proposed Data contd :
Pre and Post Survey Results:
Proposed Data Analysis: Proposed Data Analysis:
Proposed Data Analysis contd : Proposed Data Analysis contd :
Appendix A: Date__________ Principal Consent Form My name is Alicia Kellier and I am a graduate student at Brooklyn College. I am currently conducting an action research project that delves into the topic of bullying through the use of electronic media. I am seeking your permission to conduct interviews through surveys with the students in your school. The surveys are completely voluntary and would involve a parental consent letter beforehand. I assure you that all data that will be collected will only be used for the purpose of my research paper and will be shared with the students and faculty at Brooklyn College. It is a completely anonymous survey that will not include the schools name, teachers name, or the names of the students that participate. The procedure involves the cooperating teacher administering a 10 minute survey to the students that they are to answer openly and honestly. There is no compensation involved and is strictly to help me garner information for my research. Your assistance in this academic endeavor is greatly appreciated. Should you require any additional information please contact me at Permission granted: Yes___________ No___________ Signature__________________________________
Appendix B: Date__________ Teacher Consent Form My name is Alicia Kellier and I am a graduate student at Brooklyn College. I am currently conducting an action research project that delves into the topic of bullying through the use of electronic media. I am seeking your permission to conduct interviews through surveys with the students in your class and through you taking a brief survey as well. I have already attained permission from the principal to interview some teachers, and I seek your permission as well. The surveys are completely voluntary. I assure you that all data that will be collected will only be used for the purpose of my research paper and will only be shared with the students and faculty at Brooklyn College. It is a completely anonymous survey that will not include the schools name, or your name. The procedure involves the cooperating teacher administering a 10 minute survey to the students that they are to answer openly and honestly. It also involves your participation in a brief survey. There is no compensation involved and is strictly to help me garner information for my research. Your assistance in this academic endeavor is greatly appreciated. Should you require any additional information please contact me at Permission granted: Yes___________ No___________ Signature__________________________________
Appendix C: Parental Consent Form My name is Alicia Kellier and I am a graduate student at Brooklyn College. I am currently conducting an action research project that delves into the topic of bullying through the use of electronic media. I am seeking your permission to conduct a survey with your child. I have already attained permission from the principal and your childs teacher, and I seek your permission as well. The surveys are completely voluntary and anonymous. It will be conducted in class along with other students. The survey should take no more than 5-10 minutes. I assure you that all data that will be collected will only be used for the purpose of my research paper and will only be shared with the students and faculty at Brooklyn College. It is a completely anonymous survey that will not include the schools name, your name, or your childs name. The procedure involves the cooperating teacher administering the survey to the students that they are to answer openly and honestly. There is no compensation involved and is strictly to help me garner information for my research. Your childs academic record will not be affected. Your assistance in this academic endeavor is greatly appreciated. Should you require any additional information please contact the school or myself at Permission granted: Yes___________ No___________ Signature__________________________________ Date______________
Appendix D: Student Survey 1. Do you have a computer at home? Yes ____ No____ 2. Do you have a cell phone? Yes ____ No____ 3. Do you know what the term bullying means? Yes ____ No____ Not Sure_____ 4.Have you ever bullied another student? Yes____ No____ maybe_____ 5. Have you ever hit anyone on purpose? Yes____ No____ If yes, how many times? 1___ 2-3 ___ 4+____ 6. Have you ever knowingly kicked anyone? Yes____ No____ If yes, how many times? 1___ 2-3 ___ 4+____ 7. Have you ever pushed/slapped/or tripped someone on purpose? Yes ____ No____ If yes, how many times? 1___ 2-3 ___ 4+____ 8. Have you ever seen another student getting bullied? Yes ____ No ____ If yes have you ever stepped in to help them? Yes____ No____
Appendix D: (contd) 9. Have you ever bullied someone on the internet? Yes ___ No____ 10.Have you ever bullied someone by texting them? Yes ____ No____ 11. Have you ever bullied someone on facebook, youtube, twitter, or myspace? Yes_____ No ____ 12. Do you ever say mean or unkind words to people so you can hurt their feelings? Yes____ No____ Sometimes___ 13. Have you ever participated in bullying someone online? Yes ____ No____ 14. Have you ever been bullied? Yes____ No____ If yes, how? Online___ By phone___ in person___ 15. How old are you? ______
Appendix E: Teacher Survey 1. Have you ever witnessed bullying in school? Yes ____ No ____ If so, how often? 1-3/week___ 4-7/ week___ 8+/week___ 2. Do you know any students that have been bullied through the use of electronic media? (i.e., computers, cell phones) Yes____ No ____ 3. Do you think that bullying through the use of electronic media is a problem in schools today? Yes____ No ____ 4. Do you think that traditional forms of bullying is a problem in schools today? Yes_____ No_______ 5. Do you think that it is the obligation of schools to implement rules in regard to traditional forms of bullying? Yes ____ No ____ 6. Do you think that it is the obligation of schools to implement rules in regards to bullying through the use of electronic media? Yes ____ No ____ 7. Whose legal responsibility is it to protect kids from being bullied on the internet? (you may choose more than 1 answer) Parents____ Teachers____ School administration___ Police___ Whose moral responsibility is it? Parents____ Teachers____ School administration___ Police___ 8. Does your school currently have a plan in place to punish children who are found to have bullied children on the internet or through cell phones? Yes ___ No___ Dont know ___ Does your state? Yes____ No ____ Dont know ____ 9. Does your school currently have a plan in place to punish children who are found to have bullied children, through traditional methods, in schools? Yes ____ No ___ Does your state? Yes ____ No ____ 10. Comments on electronic bullying vs. traditional bullying: