A. To pray for him B. To anoint him king C. To warn him I Sam 15:1 – Why did the Lord send Samuel to Saul? # 15-1.


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Presentation transcript:

A. To pray for him B. To anoint him king C. To warn him I Sam 15:1 – Why did the Lord send Samuel to Saul? # 15-1

I Sam 15:2 – What did Amalek do? # 15-2 A. Helped Israel as they came out of Egypt B. Ambushed Israel on their way out of Egypt C. Defended Israel on their way out of Egypt

I Sam 15:3 – What did Samuel tell Saul to do to Amalek? # 15-3 A.Destroy all they have B. Destroy all but the best C.Destroy only the men

I Sam 15:4 – What did Saul do in Telaim? # 15-4 A. Gathered & numbered the army B. Gathered & numbered the priests C. Gathered & numbered the people

I Sam 15:4 – What was the total number of foot soldiers and men of Judah? # 15-5 A.One hundred & ten thousand B. Two hundred & ten thousand C. Three hundred & ten thousand

I Sam 15:6 – Why did Saul tell the Kenites to depart from among the Amalekites? # 15-6 A. They showed kindness to Israel B. They showed loyalty to Saul C. They were protected by the Lord

I Sam 15:8 – Who was not destroyed when Saul attacked the Amalekites? # 15-7 A. The women & children B. The children C. Agag, the king

I Sam 15:9 – What did Saul and the people utterly destroy? # 15-8 A. Everything in the land B. Everything despised & worthless C. Everything they did not want

I Sam 15:11 – How did the Lord feel about setting up Saul as king? # 15-9 A. He regretted making Saul king B. He was glad He made Saul king C.He loved having Saul as king

I Sam 15:11 – Why did the Lord regret making Saul king? # A. Saul did not listen to Him B. Saul did what he wanted to do C. Saul turned his back from following God

I Sam 15:11 – What did Samuel do when he heard the words of the Lord? # A. He prayed all day B. He cried out all night C. He mourned what he heard

I Sam 15:12 – What had Saul done at Carmel? # A. Built an altar to God B. Offered sacrifices to God C. Set up a monument to himself

I Sam 15:13 – What did Saul tell Samuel when he saw him? # A. “I have obeyed all the Lord commanded” B. “I have performed the commandment of the Lord” C.“The people have kept the commandment of the Lord

I Sam 15:15 – Why had the people spared the best of the sheep and oxen? # A.To sacrifice on the altar B. To sacrifice in Shiloh CTo sacrifice to the Lord

I Sam 15:16 - What did Samuel tell Saul to do? # A.“Stand still!” B. “Be quiet!” C. “Listen to me!”

I Sam 15:18 – What was the mission the Lord had for Saul? # A. To utterly destroy the Amalekites B. To spare the Amalekite king C. To spare the best of the land

I Sam 15:19-20 – What was Saul’s response to Samuel? # A. “The people did not obey, but I did obey the Lord” B. “The people did not obey me” C. “ I have obeyed the voice of the Lord”

I Sam 15:21 – Why did the people take the best things that were to be destroyed? # A. To sacrifice to the gods of the land B. To provide food for themselves C. To sacrifice to the Lord in Gilgal

I Sam 15:22 – Samuel told Saul that it is better _________? # A. To sacrifice the best things B. To obey than sacrifice C. To listen to God then the people

I Sam 15:23 – Why had the Lord rejected Saul from being king? # A. Saul had disappointed the Lord B. Saul had rejected the word of the Lord C. Saul allowed the people to disobey the word of the Lord

A. He wanted to please the people more than the Lord B. He feared the people C. He did not understand the commandment of the Lord I Sam 15:24 – Why did Saul disobey the commandment of the Lord? # 15-21

I Sam 15:26 – Why did Samuel not return with Saul? # A. The Lord told him not to B. Saul had rejected the word of the Lord C. The people had rejected Saul as king

I Sam 15:27 – What happened when Samuel turned to go away from Saul? # A. Saul tore the edge of Samuel’s robe B. Saul cut Samuel’s robe with his sword C. Samuel took Saul’s crown from him

I Sam 15:28 – Who did the Lord give Saul’s kingdom to? # A. An enemy B. Another king C.A neighbor

I Sam 15:30 – Saul asked Samuel to honor him before _______? # A.The God of Israel B. The elders of the people & Israel C. His enemies

I Sam 15:33 – What did Samuel do to Agag? # A. Hacked him into pieces before the Lord B. Beheaded him before Saul C. Hung him before the people

I Sam 15:34 – After dealing with Agag, where did Samuel go? # A. Gibeah B. Gilgal C. Ramah

I Sam 15:35 – Even though Samuel did not see Saul again, he ________? # A. Prayed for Saul B. Mourned for Saul C. Regretted Saul was king