State Budget Highlights: Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders July 10, 2014 CMHDA & CADPAAC are in the process of becoming: Kirsten Barlow Associate Director, Legislation and Public Policy (916) , ext
Key County Priorities Mandate Repayment $100 million ($73 million for counties) in 14/15 and $800 million more next year if revenues are high enough Katie A. Implementation $1 million state GF ($600,000 in DHCS budget) for semiannual implementation progress reports Claiming process to be developed
Key County Priorities, cont. Mentally Ill Offenders Crime Reduction (MIOCR) Grants $18 million in county grants (25% local match) Board of State & Community Corrections Half for juveniles, half for adults Parity Enforcement $2.1 million for Department of Managed Health Care $375,000 for Department of Insurance
Key County Priorities, cont. Medi-Cal Mental Health & SUD Expansion Mental Health $138 million state GF $253 million federal funds SUD $67 million state GF $138 million federal funds
Mental Health Services Act UC Centers for Behavioral Health Excellence $5 million per year for 3 years MHSOAC State Admin. funds UCLA and UC Davis Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Barrier $7 million one-time MHSOAC SB 82 Funds
Department of State Hospitals Restoration of Competency Expansion 105 beds in state hospitals ($7.8 million) 55 beds in county jails or secure community treatment facilities ($3.9 million) Enhanced Treatment for Most Dangerous $2.1 million to begin planning for specialized units to treat most dangerous/violent patients AB 1341 (Achadjian) describes the Enhanced Treatment Program
DHCS Positions Monitoring MHPs Due to CMS Concerns (7 staff) EPSDT Performance Outcomes (4 staff) SUD Expansion (12 staff) SB 82 & SB 364 Implementation (2 staff) Drug Medi-Cal Provider Recertification (21 staff) SUD Counselor and Facility Complaints (6 staff) MEDS Modernization (16 staff)
Reducing Recidivism Highlights Community reentry for offenders 6-12 months from release, including MH/SUD treatment ($20 million) Collaborative courts focused on mental health and SUD offenders ($15 million) Recidivism reduction grants for community non- profit organizations ($8 million) SUD treatment in state prisons ($11.8 million) Alternative custody authorized in counties, including MH/SUD treatment Case management pilot for three counties to use social workers to assist parolees ($2.5 million)