Al Byers Assistant Executive Director Government Partnerships and e-Learning
Our Mission: To promote excellence and innovation in Science Teaching and Learning for All The National Science Teachers Association CBR Perspective: Year 1 US Department of Education MSP Projects invested 100 million dollars. Half of 361 projects reported serving 48 or fewer teachers with over 50% projects costing $250,000 or more. 49,500 total teachers affected in year 1. If funding levels do not change, it will only take half a century to impact all of the nations teachers of science. We cannot afford to wait that long. The Issues: Science Content Knowledge Scale (2.1 million teachers of science) Sustainability (how reach scale at affordable costs)
Purpose Present an overview of NSTAs new e-learning Professional Development Portal: A system-based approach to consuming high quality PD resources via The NSTA Learning Center
How Do You Receive the Majority of Your Professional Development? A.On-Site 1-4 hour in-school in-service workshop B.On-site 1-2 day District Training Day C.Summer 1-2 Week Workshop D.Online 4-8 week University Short Course for 1-3 hours of Graduate Credit Looking at the Professional Development Landscape
How Many Hours of PD did You Receive Last Year? A.1-20 hours B hours C hours D hours E.80+ hours Looking at the Professional Development Landscape
What Constitutes High Quality and High Impact Professional Development? Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice in Professional Development Washington, DC Februrary 7-8, Time Span (on-going, not one shot opportunity) Contact Hours (30-80 hours to change practice) Emphasizes Active Learning and Collective Teacher Participation Content-Focus Coherence (individual plan for long term growth) Linked to Systemic Reform and Teacher Input –Laura M. Desimone: University of Pennsylvania –Iris Weiss, Horizon Research, Inc., Chapel Hill, NC Workshop for State Leader and Evaluators of Teacher Professional Development Washington, DC, April 24-25, 2008
What we knowLocal Systemic Change Core Evaluation: K-8 Weaknesses (75,000 data points) Teachers of Science with less then 16 hours of PD in Science Education in last 3 years –What % at K-4 level? –What % at 5-8 level? –What % at 9-12 level? 76% 57% 32% Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice in PD Looking Inside the Classroom: A Study of K-12 Mathematics and Science Education in the United States10 yr longitudinal national classroom observation study: Horizon Research, Weiss, 2003
The Research: Increased Content Knowledge A positive correlation exists between student achievement and teachers content knowledge (Cochran-Smith and Zeichner, 2005; Darling-Hammond and Bransford, 2005; Goldhaber and Brewer, 1998; Goldhaber and Brewer, 2000; Grossman, 2005; Ma, 1999; Monk, 1994; Wenglinsky, 2002; Wilson, Floden and Ferrini-Mundy, 2001)
The Challenge: Accessible Content Knowledge How provide PD resources that are: – affordable, – of High Quality, – standards-aligned, – content-specific, – available on-demand, –supports local curriculum to address the nations 2.1 million teachers of science?
What Constitutes High Quality and High Impact Professional Development? Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice in Professional Development Funded by NSF, Delivered by CCSSO, Washington, DC Februrary 7-8, Bridging the Gap between Research and Practice in Professional Development Washington, DC Februrary 7-8, 2006
Scalable, Sustainable, and Customized Professional Development NSTA Journal Articles Teacher PD Indexer 2,900+ Professional Development Resources and Opportunities University Online Affiliates NSTA e-Books and online Chapters NSTA Symposia & PD Institutes Regional/State Face-to-Face PD connector reminder NSTA SciGuides document NSTA Certification My PD Plan & Portfolio My Transcript My Library My Notepad My Calendar NSTA SciPacks and Science Objects Search Engine Online PD Catalog connector NSTA Web Seminars NSTA Online Short Courses School Report
SciGuides [27] Science Objects [56] SciPacks [14] Archived Web Seminars [91] Journal Articles [2206] NSTA Press Books [230] eBooks [23] eChapters [453] Symposia [10-13/year] PD Institutes [10-13/year] Regional/State PD Web Seminars [16-20/yr] Short Courses [3-4/year] University Affiliates Nov 2008 Collection: 2,900+ PD Resources and Opportunities Available
Three Ways For Accessing Content as Individual Free to AllFree for Members only Fee to All with Member discount Science Objects (56) Journal Articles (541) e-Book chapters (141) Web Seminars (15) Seminar Archives (96) SciGuides (1) SciPack (1) Total: 851 free assets NSTA Journal Articles across all 4 Journals (2206) SciLinks: Hundreds of thousands of URLs aligned to national standards SciPacks SciGuides Conferences NSTA Books e-Books and e-book Chapters NSTA Online Short Courses If District or State Partnership: Everything except books and online short courses are free to $100/year/teacher
e-PD System Tools My Learning Center 2.0 My Library and Notepad Tool 2.0 My PD Plan and Portfolio Tool 1.0 My Calendar Tool 1.0 My PD Indexer 2.0 State/District Accountability Admin tools 1.0 State Standards Alignment of Resources 1.0
Science Objects supported by Featured e-PD resources within the Learning Center
2 hour free online learning experience in a particular topic Interactive simulations of phenomena in an engaging way Questions to promote interaction and learning via inquiry strategy Based on science literacy goals in science education standardsscience literacy Featured e-PD resources within the Learning Center
Sample Interactives and Multimedia from various Science Objects –Air TrackAir Track –Seismic WavesSeismic Waves –Vertical BalloonsVertical Balloons –Journey to the PlanetsJourney to the Planets –Magnify the Night SkyMagnify the Night Sky –Make a ReefMake a Reef –Potential EnergyPotential Energy –Position and MotionPosition and Motion –Sportscaster ReviewSportscaster Review Featured e-PD resources within the Learning Center
A total of 56 one-two hour Science Objects are freely available now at The NSTA Learning Center. Topic Areas: Force and Motion The Universe The Solar System Gravity and Orbits Energy Coral Ecosystems Resources and Human Impact Earth, Sun & Moon Coral Reef Ecosystems Plate Tectonics Rock Cycle Oceans Effect on Weather and Climate Science of Food Safety Cell Structure & Function Earths Changing Surface Featured e-PD resources within the Learning Center
SciPacks supported by Featured e-PD resources within the Learning Center
10 Hour Online and On-Demand Learning Experience 3-5 Free Science Objects, plus –Individualized support –Pedagogical Implications component –Opportunity for Certification by passing a Final Assessment Featured e-PD resources within the Learning Center
3-5 Science Objects Unlimited Content Wizard Support Pedagogical Implications Component Assessment and Certification Opportunity SciPack
N A T I O N A L S C I E N C E T E A C H E R S A S S O C I A T I O N Turning Ideas into Reality: NSTA e-PD Portal Discuss need & challenge Present NSTA solution –Science Objects –SciPacks Present a PD system to support solution on a national scale Free Science Objects SciPack Additions
Distills research by grade-band Identifies known pre or misconceptions Presents the best practices and instructional strategies to consider when teaching the key ideas in SciPack Pedagogical Implications Component Featured e-PD resources within the Learning Center
N A T I O N A L S C I E N C E T E A C H E R S A S S O C I A T I O N NSTAs Solution: Science Objects
N A T I O N A L S C I E N C E T E A C H E R S A S S O C I A T I O N NSTAs Solution: Science Objects
–Auto System Check Wizard (detects and assists with necessary plug-ins) –Orientation/Navigation Support (how to navigation SciPack) –Technical Support Help Desk (issues accessing content) –Subject Matter Expert Wizard (intelligent coach via ) Support Components for SciPacks Featured e-PD resources within the Learning Center
SciPack Topics and Production Status Earth & Space 9 Topics Physical 7 Topics Life 12 Topics CompletedEarth, Sun & Moon Gravity & Orbits The Solar System The Universe Weather & Climate Rock Cycle Plate Tectonics Earth s Changing Surface Force & Motion Energy Cell Structure & Function Resources and Human Impact Coral Reef Ecosystems Science of Food Safety In ProductionEarth s HistoryMagnetic & Electric Forces Nature of Light Coming SoonElements, Atoms & Molecules Atomic Structure Chemical Reactions Cell Division & Differentiation Cells & Chemical Reactions Regulation & Behavior of Organisms Heredity & Variation Biological Evolution Natural Selection Interdependence of Life Flow of Matter & Energy in Ecosystems
Multiple District Scipack Evaluation Results Participant Feedback: Confidence in teaching subject matter: 7%: Very Confident Before completing F&M SciPack 60%: Very Confident After completing F&M SciPack 98%: Found SciPack content relevant to their needs 96%: Would recommend SciPack to their colleagues 98%: Found interactive simulations worthwhile to their learning Pre/Post Assessment and Final Assessment Results –Horizon Research Instrument: Positive significant gains in learning between pre/post test –Final assessment: 92% passed the final assessment Evaluation of Online, On-Demand Science Professional Development Material Involving Two Different Implementation Models (Sherman & Byers) Journal Science Education and Technology February, 2008 (Vol. 17, No. 1)
Valuable classroom resources for science teachers interested in integrating the web into their teaching Each SciGuide consists of: –Approximately 100 standards-aligned web- accessible resources –customized lesson plans using selected web resources –teacher media vignettes describing and showcasing the lessons –samples of student work –Interactives utilized in SciPack on same topic Featured e-PD resources within the Learning Center
The Need More than half of the nations school districts report that kids are the campus experts when it comes to school technology USA Today- June 5, 2002: At U.S Schools, Students are Technology Teachers- by Karen Thomas Citing report: Are We There Yet-2nd major report from National School Boards Foundation
The Need How Do You Integrate the Net? 811 school districts surveyed, including 90 of largest 100 found: Only 43% of new teachers are average in their ability to use the Internet for classroom instruction Most Internet use is for research-based projects, with very little use of interactive learning and collaboration
The Need The Net: How Big Is It? Currently over 4 billion web pages on the Internet Pages being added at rate of 7.3 million per day! Sizing the Internet: Cyveillance white paper report,
ENC FOCUS …finding high quality web sites is not easy. The number of resources available via the Internet is immense [and] … The differences between reliable and unreliable sites may be imperceptible… [it] is clear that all educators must become informed Internet consumers. Becoming a Critical Consumer of the Web, Dr. Kimberly S. Roempler, encFocus, v. 6, no. 3, pp (1999).
Technology and Learning …everybody is talking, these days, about the overwhelming proliferation of Web sites…. On the positive side, …students have access to a huge array of valuable information…[But] it is unsafe to send students out on the Web without the ability to validate the information they find. Educators need to assist students in: Search Skills…, Interpreting Information and detecting bias on the Web. Web Literacy and Critical Thinking: A Teachers Took Kit, Judy Salpeter. Technology and Learning, March 2003, V. 23, n. 8, pp.
Sample of Student Work from Organisms SciGuide
90%: SciGuides are a valuable supplemental online resource for educators Written content very efficient in providing introductions to topics and suggesting resources 100%: SciGuides are laid out in a logical fashion that is easy to navigate & consume from educators point of view. 100%: SciGuides are effective resources that: save educators time when searching for vetted URLs assist in implementing the web by the accompanying lesson plans, media vignettes, and samples of student work Third Party Evaluation
Interact with leading scientists, engineers, education specialists and colleagues from around the world Since 2003 we have done over 200 free web seminars to over 6,000 participants LIVE INTERACTIVE YOUR DESKTOP
Learning Center Tools
Create personalized collections of resources Create personalized notes for individualized resources Share your collections via with colleagues My Library
Create personalized multiyear plan outlining your goals, evidences, and justifications for growth Upload files to demonstrate completion of goals with reflections Generate automatic PDF report with embedded URL links and images Professional Development Plan and Portfolio Tool
My Transcipt Tool Track NSTA PD Experiences Receive Certificates Track CEUs or Graduate Credit Generate PDF Transcript Report
NSTA e-PD Products and Services Backend Administration District & State Reports
Accountability Tracking Reports Track Resource Preferences and Usage Which type and title of resources are in highest demand What resources are added to libraries
Track SciPack Progress Frequency of Access Percentage of completion Final Assessment Results with CertificateFinal Assessment Results with Certificate Pre/Post Assessment Results SciPacks Admin Tracking Reports
Export Administrator Data for Reports You can export your data to an Excel spreadsheet to streamline your report requirements
Where We Are: Scaling Up Implementation Over 25,000 Individual accounts with over 138,000 resources added to users My Library West Virginia Department of Education New Hampshire Department of Education Hawaii Department of Education Vermont Department of Education Nebraska Department of Education Cincinnati Public School, Cincinnati, OH Louisville County Public Schools, Louisville, KY Gwinnett and Forsyth County Public Schools, Atlanta, GA Lincoln County Public Schools, Lincoln, NE Twin Harbors Science Consortium LASER Alliance, Mountain to Harbor Alliance, WA (Leadership & Assistance for Science Education and Reform) Oregon Science Teachers Association (Heidi Kellar) Florida Science Teachers Association Zero-G Flight Initiative Duval County Public Schools, Jacksonville, FL Texas Education Service Center-20 TRC University of Texas, Tyler, TX Texas A&M University, Texarkana, TX Towson University, Towson, MD Over 20 State/District Partnerships as of Nov 2008
Math/Science Partnership and 21 st Century Skills Initiative Blended with Face-to-Face PD Middle School and Special Education Teachers Phase III roll-out in 2008 (~100 teachers/yr) Marshall University awards graduate credit Deployment: IHE Partnership for Graduate Credit West Virginia Department of Education
As implement inquiry curriculum, teachers express need for content and pedagogical support Blend f2f for pedagogical support within context of new curriculum and SciPacks for content learning Elementary teacher focus, each teacher completing 3 SciPacks and a journal content notebook, and documented accountability for hours to receive stipend ~100 teachers/year Considering implementing online discussions within content specific areas to also assist in learning. Deployments: State, District, and Institutions Jefferson County School District
36 TRCs provide high quality PD f2f to teachers ill-prepared in subjects they teach Two TRCs and one Education Service Center utilize SciPacks to augment summer institute training (blended model), begin summer 2008 All TRCs incorporating Learning Center, requirement: 1 SciPack and PD Plan Tool for 20 hours of 105 hrs/year (900 teachers) Deployment: Leverage Statewide Systemic System Texas Regional Collaboratives in Math/Science
Nine Step Deployment Model Example Plan how fit into existing strategic science PD plan for district, and if desire evaluation partner Identify first wave of teachers/curriculum leaders for pilot (champions, mentors, specialist, master educators) Letter from home office informing about the value/purpose of rollout, followed-up with face-to-face discussion Provide 1 day onsite orientation to support launch All take identical SciPack for initial common experience Provide appropriate incentives and penalties as complete SciPacks, link to facilitated moderated discussion/PLC Admin monitor progress, usage, completion and pass rates Conduct monthly/quarterly follow-up telecons with NSTA Provide additional web seminars if/as needed
The Caution: Strategic Analysis of Online PD for Mathematics Online Professional Development (OPD) for Mathematics Teachers: A Strategic Analysis From Executive Summary This review did not find a single OPD site that provided independent evidence of its effectiveness… OPD sites lack the capacity to demonstrate user progress that can be attributed to these tools. For example, they lack rigorous independent assessments of what teachers learned... Alan Ginsburg, US Department of Education; Tracy Gray, American Institutes for Research; Douglas Levin, American Institutes for Research, June 2004.
OPD for Mathematics Teachers: A Strategic Analysis-Table Summary Area of OPDCurrent Weaknesses and Limitations Overall Effectiveness No scientifically based evidence of changes in teacher practices or student outcomes Learner- Centered Environments Without a single electronic access point, teachers must devote substantial time to discover sites with substantive and appropriate mathematics content. Standards for design of OPD training are often unclear Few sites offer individualized initial assessments of teachers mathematical content and pedagogical needs to guide selection of instruction. Knowledge- Centered Environments Little training is available in advanced mathematical content, such as for middle- school algebra or geometry teachers. Few sites take advantage of online simulation capabilities Community- Centered Environments Most discussion sites are not moderated, and amount to little more then chat rooms Assessment- Centered Environments Teacher participants may not be assessed at all, and when tested, they evaluate teachers content knowledge but not their ability to apply what they have learned
Scalable, Sustainable, and Customized Professional Development NSTA Journal Articles Teacher PD Indexer Professional Development Resources and Opportunities University Online Affiliates NSTA e-Books and online Chapters NSTA Symposia & PD Institutes Regional/State Face-to-Face PD connector reminder NSTA SciGuides document NSTA Certification My PD Plan & Portfolio My Transcript My Library My Notepad My Calendar NSTA SciPacks and Science Objects Search Engine Online PD Catalog connector NSTA Web Seminars NSTA Online Short Courses School Report
2007 National Research Council Report Flexibility is of primary concern for teacher PD. Different teachers have different needs, depending on such factors as…their individual preferences and learning styles...[Of importance is] How to give teachers an appropriate voice, at school district levels, in what PD they get. If we cant give teachers a voice in their professional development, I dont think we are going to solve this problem… Bottom Line: Information technology…can deliver what teachers need, when they need it, and where they need it.…The role of teachers in shaping online PD needs to be a focus of research… Committee Chairs: Lyn Le Countryman, University of Northern Iowa, Chris Dede, Harvard Graduate School of Education Enhancing PD for Teachers: Potential Uses of Information Technologies
The NSTA Learning Center Scalable, Sustainable, Individualized, and On-Demand e-Professional Development Al Byers Assistant Executive Director e-Learning PH: