E E 2415 Lecture 15 Introduction to Frequency Response, Poles & Zeroes, Resonant Circuit
Low-Pass Filter Example: (1/2) Low-pass Filter:
Low-Pass Filter Example: (2/2)
Gain in Decibels Using the Low-pass filter example: Drops at 20 db per decade
Bode Plot of Low-Pass Filter
Phase Plot of Low-Pass Filter
High-Pass Filter Example: (1/2)
High-Pass Filter Example: (2/2)
High-Pass Gain in Decibels
Bode Plot of High-Pass Filter
Phase Plot of High-Pass Filter
Definition: Poles & Zeroes A zero at the origin A pole at j 1 A zero at j 1 A pole at j 2 A pole at the origin
Effect of a Pole on the Bode Plot A pole causes the asymptotic slope to decrease by 20 db/decade. A pole at the origin causes the slope to start at –20 db/decade. A pole not at the origin causes a corner to appear at the pole’s frequency; then the slope is 20 db/decade less for frequencies greater than the pole’s frequency.
Effect of a Zero on the Bode Plot A zero causes the asymptotic slope to increase by 20 db/decade. A zero at the origin causes the slope to start at +20 db/decade. A zero not at the origin causes a corner to appear at the pole’s frequency; then the slope is 20 db/decade more for frequencies greater than the zero’s frequency.
Examples: (1/3) A zero at the origin A pole at j 1
Examples: (2/3) A zero at j 1 A pole at j 2 A pole at the origin
Examples: (3/3)
Resonant Bandpass Filter (1/2)
Resonant Bandpass Filter (2/2)
Resonant BandPass Poles & Zeroes Zero at origin Two poles
Bode Plot for Resonant Bandpass
Phase Plot for Resonant Bandpass
Bandwidth of Resonant Bandpass (1/2) at half power Take square and reciprocal of both sides Need both solutions for positive values of
Bandwidth of Resonant Bandpass (2/2) Positive for -1 Positive for +1 Bandwidth for a series resonant bandpass filter