Ali Alshowaish
Collective realization that machine-processability requires a coherent data model A casual discussion at WWW-2 in Chicago, October of 1994 How to make things on the Web easier to find? OCLC & NCSA co-sponsored an invitational workshop in March of 1995 The workshop became a workshop series, and eventually a conference series DCMI: Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Governance and process evolved over time Unofficial standards maintenance body established
1994: Simple tags to describe Web pages 1995: The Dublin Core is one of many vocabularies needed ("Warwick Framework") 1996: The Dublin Core: 13 elements expanded to 15 - appropriate for Text and Images 1997: Qualifiers proposed for specifying meanings 1998: DCMI involvement in emerging Resource Description Framework (RDF)
2000: Dublin Core Metadata Initiative recommends (approved) qualifiers, broadens its organizational scope beyond the Core 2001: Workshop Series becomes a conference series DCMI Affiliates and a board of trustees 2005: Abstract Model (Finally)
A simple standard set of metadata elements used primarily to describe digital resources such as video, sound, image, text, and web pages. It defines resources online in a way that make them easy to find. Implementations of Dublin Core typically make use of XML and are Resource Description Framework based.
Dublin Core is defined by ISO in ISO Standard 15836, and NISO Standard Z The continuing development of Dublin Core is managed by the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI).
CreatorTitleSubject ContributorDateDescription PublisherTypeFormat CoverageRightsRelation SourceLanguageIdentifier
In HTML there is only one meta tag? And all the Metadata elements have to be inside that tag. 2 parts for each element (html format) meta name=" " content=" " Because of that all the Dublin Core elements in HTML are attributes.
<meta name="dc.title" content= "Allergy Alert - Undeclared Sulphites in Al-Durra/Alderra Brand Whole Apricots in Syrup Product "> <meta name="dc.creator" content= "Government of Canada, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Operations, Office of Food Safety and Recall"> <meta name="dc.subject" content= Food safety; Labelling; Food labelling; Consumers; Consumer protection"> <meta name="dc.description" content= "The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is warning consumers with sensitivities to sulphites not to consume AL- Durra/Alderra brand whole apricots in syrup product. This product may contain sulphites which are not declared on the label.">
In XML each Metadata element has its own tag. In XML the Dublin Core element are not attributes, but separate elements.
Jefferson Monument, Louisville, Ky. The Thomas Jefferson monument in Louisville, Kentucky. Jefferson stands upon a pedestal supported by four winged female figures; he holds a partially unrolled scroll. The pedestal, Jefferson's figure and the sky behind the statue are colorized; the base is grey. This monument was given to the city of Louisville by Isaac W. Bernheim. The verso bears a postmark of May 5, Monuments & memorials; Jefferson, Thomas, Monuments; Louisville (Ky.) Still image Early American Museum eng 1,98
RDF: Resource Description Framework. Input from various communities (several Metadata schemas) Enables resource description communities to define their own semantics
Guidance on expressing the Dublin Core within the Resource Description Framework (RDF) Eric Miller Paul Miller Dan Brickley Dublin Core; Resource Description Framework; RDF; eXtensible Markup Language; XML Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Dublin Core Data Model Working Group text/html en
It consist of 15 elements. All elements optional All elements repeatable where appropriate. It may appear in any order the creator of the metadata wishes. Extensible (DC Qualifiers) International in scope, however, DC syntax is not translated
The namespace syntax in HTML is like this: dc.title The namespace syntax in XML is like this: dc:title Use lower case for DC tags dc:title Not: DC:TITLE or Dc:title or Dc:Title
dc.creator indicates who is primarily responsible for creating the content of the resource. dc.creator example: dc.creator element should reflect organizational hierarchy. Avoid abbreviations and acronyms Repeat the creator element to acknowledge important participants.
dc.title indicates name given to the resource. dc.title example: If the resource described is a website, Ideally, the content for should be identical to the HTML
dc:language indicates the language of the intellectual content of the resource. dc.language examples: Since the field is repeatable, it may describe documents in many languages. Language names should be described in some standard encoding scheme such as ISO639. indicates a date associated with a resource. examples: Format is YYYY-MM-DD (e.g ) Fill in unknown year with ? (e.g. 199?-01-01) Fill in unknown month and day with 01 (e.g )