**to be confirmed *Please consult a calendar of associated events prior to the international conference Supporting activities Film Festival Media events Media events International conference Special website Outcome Document and follow up activities Other associated events Materials /content developed Film screenings Gala event Online Print media Online Print media Media event(s) 8 Plenary sessions 15 Thematic panels Showcase of IT&AT solutions Workshop(s) and content development National stocktaking event (9-10 September 2014, New Delhi, India) Structure of the entire event Exhibition
Organizational structure of the Drafting Group of the Outcome Document Chair of the Conference Representative of UNESCORepresentative of Host Country Selected Chair by UNESCO 3 co-chairs 15 Moderators 15 Rapporteurs Selected co-chairs by UNESCO: Policy makers Industry Civil society Different geographical regions, gender, age Selected by UNESCO in consultation with partners: Based on expertise Different geographical regions, gender, age Secretary to the Chair Advisors to the Chair
Access to Information and Knowledge Accessibility and technological solutions Partnerships and sustainable development Co-chair 1: Co-chair 2: Co-chair 3: 15 moderators 15 rapporteurs 5 session’s reports: Draft Outcome Document (adopted at the plenary session of the international conference) Host Country UNESCO Chair of the Conference Process of preparation and adoption of the of the Outcome Document by the Drafting Group 15 parallel panel discussions: International Conference Secretary to the Chair Advisors to the Chair IFAP Bureau meeting IFAP Council meeting Executive Board General Conference 2015