Operating Funds: Unaudited Budget Actual Education Fund $62,768,630$62,430,544 Operations & Mtns $ 6,234,941 $ 5,492,592 Transportation $ 3,192,742 $ 3,092,384 IMRF/Social Security $ 2,512,746 $ 2,393,380 Working Cash Fund $ 3,116,000 $ 3,117,966 Total - Operating Funds $77,825,059 $76,526,866
Non-Operating Funds: Unaudited BudgetedActual Capital Projects$ 336,300 $ 398,080 Debt Service $8,150,003 $7,875,079 Tort $ 0 $ 0 Life/Fire/Safety $ 0 $ $261 Total Non-Operating Funds $8,486,303 $8,273,420
Unaudited Budget Actual Operating Funds $76,960,803 $75,622,871 Non-Operating Funds $ 8,486,303$ 8,273,420 Total – All Funds $86,311,362$84,800,286 Operating revenues = 98.26% Non-Operating revenues = 97.49% Overall un-receipted = $1,511,075 Total un-receipted = 1.75%
Remaining General State Aid Payment ($416,656) Other State Receipts ($60,499 - Education & Transportation) Remaining Federal Payments ($164,330) Additional Tax Receipts ($922,960)
Operating Funds: Unaudited Budget Actual Education Fund $63,251,295$61,194,724 Operations & Mtns $ 6,147,234$ 6,267,235 Transportation $ 3,239,277$ 3,200,672 IMRF/Social Security $ 2,248,250 $ 2,240,930 Working Cash Fund $ 0$ 0 Total - Operating Funds $74,886,056$72,903,561
Non-Operating Funds: Unaudited Budget Actual Capital Projects$ 5,103,376 $ 5,332,244 Debt Service $ 8,660,789 $ 8,601,778 Life/Fire/Safety $ 0 $ 0 Total Non-Operating Funds $13,764,165 $13,934,022
Unaudited BudgetActual Operating Funds $74,886,056$72,903,561 Non-Operating Funds $13,764,165$13,934,022 Total $88,650,221$86,837,583 Operating Expenditures = 97.35% Non-Operating Expenditures = % Difference between budget/actual = - $1,812,638 or under-expended by 2.04%
Education fund under-spent: Salaries ($886,033) Fringe Benefits ($537,314) Purchased services ($526,563) Supplies, Materials ($174,148) Capital Outlay ($524,751) Other (36,327) Tuition ($446,221) Total: $2,056,571 or 3.25% of Education Fund Operations/Maintenance fund over-spent: Salaries ($197,230) Purchased Services ($288,863) Supplies, Materials ($224,336) Total: $120,001 or 1.95% of O & M Fund Transportation fund under-spent: Purchased services ($38,605 ) IMRF/Social Security Fund under-spent: Benefits - ($7,320)
Operating Funds: Revenues Expenditures Education Fund $63,701,560$66,650,534 Operations & Mtns $ 5,998,888$ 6,482,860 Transportation $ 3,037,322$ 3,335,511 IMRF/Social Security $ 2,386,767$ 2,389,520 Working Cash Fund $ 1,066,000$ -0-___ Total - Operating Funds $76,190,537 $78,858,425
Non-Operating Funds: Revenues Expenditures Capital Projects$ -0- $ 5,117,961 Debt Service $ 8,158,075 $ 8,596,474 Life/Fire/Safety $ -0- $ -0- Total Non-Operating Funds $ 8,158,075 $13,714,435
Revenues Expenditures Operating Funds$76,190,537$78,858,425 Non-Operating Funds $ 8,158,075 $13,714,435 Total$84,348,612$92,572,860
Collection of 55% property taxes in March (prior year extension) Collection of 45% property taxes in September (actual adopted levy with increased 1.5% CPI) TIF receipts Flat federal revenue GSA (General State Aid) at 89% All other state revenue at 95%
Inclusion of all collective bargaining agreements 10 new staffing positions ($700,000) 6% increase in health insurance costs 2.5% increase (Purchased Services & Supplies & Materials) Constant - Tuition New initiatives -- $ 1,343,500 Alio Conversion - $120,000 District Reorganization - $611,000 Rosetta Stone (Foreign Language Program) - $132,000 Math Textbook Adoption - $405,000 HR Software -- $25,500 UIC Math Consultant - $50,000
Operating funds revenues = under received by 1.75% Operating funds expenditures = under-spent by 2.04% Operating Funds – Revenues = greater than Referendum Target – will verify all state revenues with Steve Miller Operating Funds – Expenditures – over Referendum Target (inclusive of 1.25% decrease in expenditure growth) Referendum Target enrollment = 5,672 and OEPP = $13, Actual Enrollment = 5,969 x $13, = Potential expenditures of $80,710,587 Proposed Operating Expenditures = $78,858,425 Operations & Mtns Fund – Projected 6/30/15 Year End - ($811,135) Capital Projects Fund – Projected 6/30/15 Year End – ($1,873,818).
July 22, 2014—Adoption of tentative budget August 19, 2014 —Update &continued discussion of budget September 9, 2014—Public Hearing of budget September 23, 2014 – Adoption of Budget & submission to Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE)