English Language English Language
What can you see?
Where can you find all these things under one roof?
New Words the people who shop in the supermarket. Shoppers
A place where can you put your car in. Car Park
It is a message which tells you to buy a product. Where can you find other advertisement? On TV, on radio, and on posters in streets. Advertisement
Something which the shop is selling more cheaply than usual. Special offer
The meet from a bull or cow. beef
The food which is sold in tines. tinned
It means you can get everything in one place. One-stop shopping
Questions Does the reporter work for a news paper, the radio or the television? The reporter works for the radio. How many shoppers does he interview here? He interviews three people. Find four reasons which people give for shopping in the supermarket?
Find four reasons which people give for shopping in the supermarket? 1. It is convenient. 2. It has car park. 3. You can do one-stop shopping. 4. It sells many different international items also the often sell things cheaply.
Make questions using these words from the interview? Would you mind……? You…,don't you? Can you tell me?
General Questions Are supermarkets the only places to go shopping? Where else can you shop? Supermarkets are not the only places to go shopping. You can also shop at suqs and small local shops
Are supermarkets the best places to shop? They are the best places to shop because: 1. They are convenient. 2. They have car park. 3. You can do one-stop shopping. 4. They sell many different international items. 5. They often sell things cheaply.
Supermarkets are quite new in Saudi Arabia. Do you think that they will last or that they will disappear? They will last because: 1. They are convenient. 2. They have car park. 3. You can do one-stop shopping. 4. They sell many different international items. 5. They often sell things cheaply.