EngageNY.org Network Teams Institute May 15-16, 2013 Math Assessment Session.


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Presentation transcript:

EngageNY.org Network Teams Institute May 15-16, 2013 Math Assessment Session

EngageNY.org2 Shifts in Assessments Six Shifts in Mathematics Assessments

Let’s Paginate! Skip all the blue sheets and the table of contents Start with “About the Regents Examination…” Carefully number all other pages 1-48 This will take you approximately 2 minutes, 19 seconds EngageNY.org3

Our Panel Peter Swerdzewski: Fellow for Assessment Zach Warner EngageNY.org4

Comparative Items Turn to pages 29 and 35; you’ll find two Sets of Items. Complete at least 5 items on each set. Be sure that they are corresponding items. Check your thinking against the answer keys and rationales Determine the three key differences between the two sets. EngageNY.org5

Regents Examination in Algebra I (Common Core) Reading Time About the Regents Examination in Algebra 1 (Common Core) Page 2 Test Blueprint: Regents Examination in Algebra I (Common Core) Page 4 EngageNY.org6

Discuss “About” & Blueprint What’s news? What’s the same? What questions do you have? EngageNY.org7

Discuss “About” & Blueprint What’s news? What’s the same? What questions do you have? EngageNY.org8

Standards Clarifications (pages 5 & 6) Thoughts and Reactions to this document? Instructional Implications of this document? EngageNY.org9

Question Formats & Types (Pages 7 & 8) Is there any news on page 7? What is the instructional impact of page 8? EngageNY.org10

Sample 7 th Grade Items (Pages 44-48) Complete items 1,2,4,10 yourself. Check your thinking against the rationale. Discuss your observations about the 3 items including their similarities and differences. Examine the standards at play. What is accomplished by measuring 7RP3 in multiple ways? EngageNY.org11 7.RP.A.3: Use proportional relationships to solve multistep ratio and percent problems.

Multiple Representations (Pages 13-16) How does document and its implications reflect the ways you have taught in the past? How does the document and its implications reveal a coming change in your practice? EngageNY.org12

Guidelines and Criteria for Item Writing (Pgs 9-12, 17-23) What’s news? Name 3 implications for instruction. Name 3 implications for teacher created assessment and/ or common assessments. EngageNY.org13

Tools & Reference Sheet (pages 24-27) What action steps or must-do’s come to mind when reviewing these pages? EngageNY.org14

Professional Development What, of these slides and conversations would you want to duplicate for PD in your context? Why? EngageNY.org15