K EY B UDGET I NFORMATION Current Budget: $75,726,680 Proposed Budget: $77,375,997 Maximum Allowable Tax Levy Increase: 3.21%
W ESTCHESTER AND P UTNAM C OUNTIES PER PUPIL EXPENDITURES ( ) Highest 1. Pocantico Hills ($45,637) 2. Katonah ($31,791) 3. Greenburgh ($31,449) 4. Briarcliff ($31,012) 5. North Salem ($30,781) 6. Scarsdale ($28,990) 7. Byram Hills ($28,979) 8. Irvington ($28,477) 9. Harrison ($27,983) 10. Dobbs Ferry ($27,870) Lowest 37. Eastchester ($23,449) 38. Haldane ($23,287) 39. Mahopac ($23,232) 40. Rye City ($22,481) 41. Pelham ($22,422) 42. Rye Neck ($22,407) 43. Ossining ($21,999) 44. New Rochelle ($20,546) 45. Yonkers ($19,210) 46. Port Chester ($17,875)
B UDGET G OALS Not raising class sizes Maintaining sports and extra-curricular opportunities for our children Preserving our performing arts programs, specifically in elementary instrumental music Increasing course offerings to our students, especially in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
B UDGET G OALS Class sizes in K-2 are projected to be between 22 and 23 students per class. SchoolGradeProposed Sections Average Class Size (* Estimated) Waverly K * Anne Hutchinson Greenvale
B UDGET G OALS Our athletics program remains in tact for our 600+ athletes and more than 40 sports The 46 extra-curricular clubs at the Middle and High Schools remain fully preserved. In fact, we are considering adding a coding club in the Middle School.
B UDGET G OALS Our elementary instrumental music programs have been aligned so that the same instrumental music specialist will conduct the Anne Hutchinson and Greenvale bands. Increased continuity in the instrumental program—one teacher will oversee the band in grades 4-7 and another teacher will oversee grades 8-12.
B UDGET G OALS In the school year we will be offering Advanced Placement Computer Science at EHS for the first time. We will be instituting a STEM course at EMS as an elective for 6 th grade students: Taught in our new, state of the art Global Technology Lab The video production program will be expanding in both the Middle and High Schools: Three HS courses and one MS Course; doubling our current course offerings in video production
W HAT IF THE BUDGET DOES NOT PASS ? If the budget does not pass on May 20, the District is allowed to put forth another budget for voter consideration. If the second budget also fails to pass, then the tax levy increase will be zero. The district will have to make $3.03 million dollars in reductions ($2.13 million beyond the $894,000 million dollars in the preliminary budget).
P OTENTIAL R EDUCTIONS IN A C ONTINGENCY B UDGET Our overall K-5 class size average would increase to over 26 students per class. Kindergarten monitors would have reduced hours. Most athletics and extra-curricular activities would be eliminated. Some electives at the MS and HS would be eliminated. Elementary guidance counselor position and Instrumental music in grades 4 and 5 would be eliminated.
B UDGET V OTE AND T RUSTEE E LECTION Date: May 20, 2014 Time: 6:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Locations: Eastchester High School Gym 235 Garth Road Community Center (Garth Road Residents only)
It is the mission of the Eastchester Public Schools to provide an environment that fosters mutual respect, promotes the uniqueness of the individual, provides opportunities for student successes, and guides all students intellectually, emotionally, physically and socially.