Moultonborough School District Budget FY15 Budget Draft Version 1 November 25, 2013
Where We’ve Been The “New Normal” Slow growing economy Downshifting of federal & state costs to local level Aging population Stable or declining birth rate Slower in-migration Declining property values
Enrollments – Watching Kindergarten
Enrollment Decline at MA
District Enrollments
Task Force Recommendations District must show fiscal responsibility and carefully consider reductions as enrollment declines Public discussion as part of budget process Impact on class sizes, MCS class sections, decrease in number of special area classes, decrease in subject area sections at MA Explore distance learning; cooperative courses with IL, GWRSD; independent study; alternate year offerings Reduce staff by attrition, retirement incentives, job sharing within and without MSD, travel between MCS & MA Reduction in Force as last resort
What The Community Supports Maintain and improve quality public education Keep program diversity Do not change too much, too fast Programs are more important than cost 300+ attendees at meetings! School IS important in our Community!
A unique opportunity to LEAD the conversation or be victims of the “new normal” Looked closely at the number of sections we need in art, music, physical education, and World Language in K-12 (Increased WL) Worked line by line in every budget area: athletic, buildings and grounds, technology, and school buildings (Same process this year) Looked closely and creatively at the schedule at MA 1. Reorganize the 8 period day, alternate electives, class sign-ups in January 2013 to allow for in-depth schedule work (PAWS Block) 2. Meet with Inter Lakes to look at AP offerings and distance learning potential (Agreement has produced student placement, shared ELL and plans for shared OT) 3. Redirect some MA staff to 21 st Century Learning—Real World Design Challenge—STEM (Currently being taught) 4. Take our 10 th grade students to tour the Regional Technology Center, meeting for parents and parent tour (Planned again)
Where We’ve Been & What We’ve Accomplished World Language Committee Focus on Academics – reading, language arts, math, MCS schedule Staff development, Summer Curriculum Institute, in District courses such as Tools for Teaching Preparation for CC -Writing committee -Board subcommittee – Instructional -Data/test results? First Quarterly Reports
Budget: V.1 Highlights Pay and Benefits: Decrease of $32,967 Medical insurance increase absorbed by Health Insurance Expendable Trust 1.8% increase for Year 3 of CBA, upward base pay adjustment for paraprofessionals, 1.8% increase for other staff, differential for Special Ed high need 1:1 assistants 2.5 retirements that will not be replaced (1 elementary, 1 middle,.5 guidance) RIF of.2 OT (.2 to be shared with Inter-Lakes),.1 instrumental music Contracted Services & Repairs: Decrease of $22,944 Decrease in sped contracted services Increase in buildings & grounds repairs/maintenance Purchased Services: Increase of $214,034 Special Education Out of District Placement Increase in Year 2 of transportation contract Supplies, Equipment, and Other: Decrease of $9,622 Decrease in supplies and food service Increase in furniture and equipment replacement Budget V.1 reflects an increase of $148,501 or 1.06% over the current year. The increase is due solely to a special education out of district placement.