Patient Information Forum (PiF) Voluntary Sector Event Tuesday 21 January 2014, 09:30-15:30 Twitter #PiFevent
Welcome! Housekeeping #PiFevent Please silence mobiles and tablets Delegates pack
National Standards and Guidelines for Producing Consumer Health Information Resources Cover central aspects of creating high quality health information Different from the Information Standard PiF members will drive the development of the standards and guidance Outcome will be a set of nationally recognised and supported standards, disseminated widely and used to change practice Events to be held in March for PiF members to feed in their views Online survey Completed standards and guidelines available in June
Sounding Board New service, pilot to be launched February Sense checking and peer review service for consumer health information producers Set fee for access to a virtual panel of consumer health information specialists who can provide expert comment and feedback Recruiting people to join Sounding Board as members of the review panel Looking for organisations or companies with material for review If you would like to join as a member or find out how to use the service or speak to Nicole or I today
Annual Conference 1 May 2014, Solihull Confirmed plenary sessions: – Michael Seres – Patient speaker – The state of information: a National Voices perspective - Jeremy Taylor, Chief Executive, National Voices – Building ‘individual participation’ into the NHS: The House of Care - Martin McShane, Director for Domain 2 of the Outcomes Framework, NHS England: 'Improving the quality of life for people with long term conditions'. – Diversity in commissioning: getting the message right and the right message across - Annie Topping, Chief Executive, Healthwatch Suffolk and Gulshan Kayembe, Lay CCG member Suffolk – The changing information landscape in England - the Information Standard, the digital offer and accessibility Standards, NHS England (speaker to be confirmed) Poster presentations – for Early pricing for members is £216 – to
Today’s agenda 10:30-11:00Writing for impact: Eleanor Stanley - Writer and Editor 11:00-11:30User testing: Emily Newsom-Davis – CHI Specialist 11:30-12:15Speed networking - Bring your business cards! TO CHARGE OR NOT TO CHARGE? 13:15-13:45Clare Jacklin - National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society 13:45-14:15Sam Challis - Mind 14:15-14:45 Tom Stansfeld - Asthma UK 14:45-15:15Putting children at the heart of children's publishing Kian-Garin de Loach - Creative Director, Diabetes UK 15:15-15:30Close - Nicole Naylor, Administrator - PiF