High performance; from 1 metric ton to 100 metric tons instant purification facility per hour, 2400tons per day Low energy consumption (25 kw/h – 38 kw/h) Takes small space in factories (an 8 – 10 m 2 area is sufficient) and it does not require pools or tanks as well, This does not need anything including chemicals, filters, membranes etc.
An electromagnetic pipe, only six meters 100 tons per hour clean water Performance: 2400 tons a day The time required : 3-4 seconds There is no substance. There is no pool Cheaper than all existing process and techniques in the world
Capability of purifying and producing potable water of all kinds of waters (waste water, well water, arsenious water, chemical content waste water etc). BEING THE FIRST AND UNIQUE ALL OVER THE WORLD AND TO EXPORT TECHNOLOGY TO THE WORLD
At most within one year the system redeems itself Bringing high technology to your country, Can operate at any temperature, Be able to purify the hot water and returns back without heat loss, therefore provides decreases the heating costs
Dirty Water inlet Waste discharge Clean water outlet actuators control block power supply grinding chamber flyanets pulling air ferromagnetic and paramagnetic metal
Clean water outletDirty Water inlet Waste discharge electromagnetic effect
Instead of contaminated and poisonous rivers to provide rivers running clear, to have clean rivers and lakes where there are lots of beings living in is not a dream from now on. To clean and purify all pollutions of our waters, to make potable all of our underground and surface waters are the main targets of our project. In addition to this, by means of this project;
To clean and purify all polluted wastes, To produce potable water from arsenious and poisonous waters, To provide reusing of waste waters of dyeing and washing plants by purifying, To produce potable water from the sea water,
To produce potable water from all kind of waters of rivers and lakes, To prevent the salinization of our soils, To remove the salt and disinfect the waste waters, To provide purified high quality potable water for the animals instead of salinated polluted wells
To increase the efficiency of petrol refinery treatment plants and purifying the waste water of the petrol products diluted in water, Renewal of the lubricating and cooling liquids, Purifying the washing waters of tankages of petrol product tanks,
Purifying the waters of wells, Providing disinfection and drinking reliability of the city water supply, To purify the layer and washing waters of petrol and natural gas drills, are all among our targets.
Long warranty period (including electronic parts) (5 years), There is no need for additional expenses and maintenance cost, Training /seminars to LOCAL ENGINEERS The system does not require to employ any staff, There is no treatment cost and by using repeatedly the same water, it is possible to decrease the operating expenses,
Tanks are required for settlement of water, An allocated area required to establish the treatment plants, Sedimentation ponds are required for the concentration of residual, Providing chemical separators as well as additional water consumption is required,
Unavoidable harm of the liquid wastes even not fully purified after all these, (environmental problems), Necessity of sand filter, Necessity of chlorination and processing with ammonium Necessity of settlement and climatic process pools for the water with specific sizes, Dependency of treatment efficiency to the degree of water hardness.
There is no need for any tank or pool, There is no environmental problem (the purified water can be used illimitably), Treatment efficiency is independent from the degree of water hardness, There is no need specific buildings or tanks (the system can be installed in a 8 – 10 m 2 area),
There is no need for any chemicals and there is no additional expense, Low energy consumption, High efficiency and the shortest processing time, (the water is instantly purified while passing through the device.)
At most within one year the system redeems itself Bringing high technology to your country, Can operate at any temperature, Be able to purify the hot water and returns back without heat loss, therefore provides decreases the heating costs
Can be used in many purposes in many areas The capability of being used at ultra projects such as lakes and rivers The portability and easily installing advantages High performance even the most poisonous wastes, Capability of purifying the waste waters of petrol refineries
Our project will terminate the potable water scarcity in our country and worldwide when it becomes a reality. Contaminated water resources and rivers invite all kinds of diseases. To protect our environment means to protect our future.
Today, we are not able to use our underground waters for drinking water; even they cannot be used for irrigation. To supply all water for usage at drinking water quality means a very significant increase of efficiency for our environment as well as agriculture and husbandry.
When our project is commercialized, the industrial companies will be able to use the water repeatedly and keep without wasting, their expenses for water and water treatment will terminate. Neither they will allocate an important area for water treatment plants within the factories, and be able to allocate this area for production.
The harmful wastes will not contaminate our underground or surface waters by their sewerage systems, and our seas and lakes will not die. Together with these companies everybody will benefit. The millions of dollars valued chemicals imported to purification processes will not be used anymore hence, both our money will not be wasted and these chemicals will not contaminate our environment
. In comparison of our project with present systems, have many advantages in many ways and will redeem itself within a short period of time.
RECYCLING OF WASTEWATER AND PURIFYING THE PROCESS WATER: Membrane Filtration Systems (Microfiltration + Ultra-filtration + Nano-filtration + Reverse Osmosis), (Demineralization, dealkalization, softening) and (Ultraviolet, Ozone, Chlorine) The time required: 3-4 days Performance: 2 tons a day Cost:1-4 million dollars Our System is cheaper and more effective having hudge