An exciting approach for classic clubs
Builds on our foundation of success Embraces the best practices of the past Abandons things that are not helping us grow Refreshes things that need to be updated Invites others to join us
Yes because the House of Delegates in 2007 in San Antonio approved a membership flexibility amendment which specifically says: Notwithstanding any other provision of the Kiwanis International Bylaws, the Standard Form for Club Bylaws, or the Standard Form for District Bylaws, the International Board of Trustees may admit into Kiwanis membership and/or permit the creation of new forms of Kiwanis membership consistent with the Objects of Kiwanis International, which may extend for a period not exceeding five (5) years without approval of the House of Delegates. The Chief Executive Officer of Kiwanis International shall make an annual report to the House of Delegates covering any such Board actions taken or authorized and make an evaluation of their current effectiveness.
Kiwanis memberships are club based so the club invites who can join and in what form Clubs can approve the options and then expand opportunities for membership at the local level Growth in our organization will depend upon the innovative and creative approaches to membership our classic clubs take over the next few years
Kiwanis clubs have been responsible for many new and innovative programs in our organization K-Kids, CKI, KCI, Aktion, Builders, YCPO all came about because a club and district developed them first Clubs must request KI Board approval of their new ideas
Your club decides what to submit to the KI Board to pilot
1. Active membership 2. Honorary membership 3. Senior membership 4. Life membership 5. Past Service Leadership Programs membership 6. Corporate Membership 7. Club Satellite 8. Company-based clubs 9. Affiliate clubs 10. Kiwanis Aktion Clubs New Concept Club 13. Young Professionals Club 14. Internet Based Clubs Current Kiwanis Membership/Club Options
Current Kiwanis Club/Membership Options in our By Laws
These members… have full rights and privileges within the club can serve on the Board of Directors can hold an office would pay full dues can perform service!
These members… are part of the club pay no dues cannot hold office can serve on committees can perform service!
These members… pay a reduced dues rate have full rights and privileges of active membership can perform service!
These members… pay one-time dues to District and International pay minimal club dues have the same privileges as active members can perform service!
Current New Kiwanis Club/Membership Options Approved by the Kiwanis International Board
These groups (already approved by the KI Board)… pay club, International, and District dues through host club who is the fiscal agent and has reporting responsibility allow active members to meet at another time or location allow for operation as a sub-group of a host club to meet the needs of a specific service project or local area community – recommended size is a minimum of ten members can perform joint service projects!
Options being Piloted Cloverleaf area Kiwanis Club – three local communities serving one school district – Seville has 26 Kiwanis members – Lodi and Westfield have none – communities choose new name and have a Kiwanis club with two satellites and new name Rock River Kiwanis Club – had 40 members is now down to 10 – wants to turn in charter – Geneva Kiwanis club is 10 miles away and has 26 members – Rock River becomes satellite of Geneva – Keeps name Keystone Kiwanis Club meets at noon and wants to build a morning club and evening club – instead of competing they choose to form a morning and evening satellite of the Keystone club Hamilton Kiwanis Club has 4 elementary schools and wants a K-Kids group at each school – they approach PTO and it is decided that there are enough parents at each school to form an affiliate club satellite who will be the advisors for the K-Kids club Clearwater Kiwanis Club wants to expand its membership to the many corporations in town – they form corporate satellite club in four local businesses can perform service!
These Clubs (already approved by KI Board)… allows members from a specific company to pay a flat fee for those who belong – Kiwanis International has an established fee schedule allows all members to be listed on the membership roles allows all members to have all rights of active membership can be formed to support a specific project such as an SLP can perform service!
Kiwanis International has established a franchise fee schedule for these clubs $2500 for the first 25 members $3300 for up to 35 members $4000 for up to 50 members $7500 for up to 100 members Over 100 or special circumstances is negotiated with KI CEO Paid annually 1/3 of fee to go to the District
3-2-1 New Concept Club These clubs (already approved by the KI Board)… Focus on three essential components of a Kiwanis Club – service, fellowship, and meetings Administrative and club operation time and costs would be adjusted to make this club more affordable and flexible in operations Service – at least one project per month that engages a member for three hours Fellowship – at least one evening monthly that takes two hours of a members time Meetings – one meeting every month that takes no more than one hour can perform service!
These clubs (already approved by the KI Board)….. Focus on service, fellowship, and networking Administrative and club operation time and costs make this type of club more affordable and flexible in operations Service – through causes listed on the world wide web combined with hands on projects Fellowship – get together at division meetings, special project functions, other Kiwanis club events, midyear conferences, District and KI conventions Meetings – usually twice a month in a chat room on a website developed by the club can perform service!
This membership… allows them to have two years of free membership after which they can move into another type of membership option No new member add fee allows them have all rights of active membership can perform service!
These clubs (already approved by the KI Board)… Focus on service, fellowship, networking Administrative and club operation time and costs are adjusted to make this club more affordable and flexible in operations Service –projects each month that engage a high percentage of members Fellowship– at least one afternoon or evening monthly Networking-through meeting contacts, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Blogs, cell phone, Wikis, my Space, link ed, etc. can perform service!
These clubs (already approved by the KI Board)… are organized in areas with no district support, RSC or infrastructure pay an annual club fee rather than individual member dues are supported electronically or thru the purchase of supplies and programs can perform service!
New Kiwanis Club/Membership Options being proposed as Pilots
Affiliate /Associate membership Family membership Family clubs Kiwanis Aktion Clubs for Seniors Kiwanis-CKI Alumni Clubs PTO Kiwanis – Affiliate Clubs Kiwanis Membership/Club Options Proposed by Clubs and Members (Being considered by the KI Board)
These members… are made up of volunteers who support the mission and purpose of the Kiwanis clubs pay a reduced annual fee cannot serve on the club board and can hold no office can work with committees can perform service!
These clubs… allow an entire family to be a part of the Kiwanis club can combine an active membership with affiliate/associate participation allow all to have the rights of active membership allow a revised dues rate - an example is first member pays 100% of dues and all others pay 50% can perform service!
This is … a club composed of families from a common area such as those in a homeowners association or specific neighborhood - it is suggested that at least 8 families be required to form a club a club a whole family can join – an intergenerational approach to membership a club that allows a flat fee for whole family - an example is a flat fee per family -1/3 of dues would go to the District a group that can perform service!
These clubs… Are organized to serve disabled seniors who live in a retirement complex, an assisted living, or nursing home facility pay the Aktion club dues rate Are a new type of K – Family Club Affiliate with local Kiwanis and SLP Clubs for support and mutual projects have full rights and privileges of active membership in their club Can perform service!
Kiwanis – Circle K Alumni Clubs
These clubs… are made up of volunteers who support the mission and purpose of our Kiwanis Club Service Leadership Programs Some clubs are proposing operating as a club satellite while others are proposing to operate as a stand alone club function as a committee to support the SLP – serve as advisors designate an individual to coordinate activities with local sponsoring Kiwanis Club and school system can form their own sub committees – set own meetings can perform service! PTO Kiwanis - Affiliate Club
Each type of membership or club requires local club decision making and eventually some bylaws revision Each type of membership or club requires District involvement and notification Each type of membership or club requires International notification and approval of your pilot idea All of these types of memberships and club options should be reflected in District and club membership counts We have until 2012 to experiment
Most of these ideas provide opportunities for clubs to grow in membership. All of these ideas provide opportunities for clubs to grow in service within our communities. It is essential that clubs pilot these and other membership options to help us reach one million members by 2015
If you have any questions or comments, need more information, feel free to contact: Your Kiwanis International Board counselor Membership Options PowerPoint Developed by: Alan Penn, KI Vice President Feel free to customize and revise Kiwanis