Risk and Challenge W.A.L.T.: Consider the aspect of challenge that is present in physical activity. Realise the importance of risk assessments and risk control.
Risk and Challenge One of the main appeals of physical activity is that it offers challenge and an acceptable level of risk. Challenge: A test of your ability or resources in a demanding situation. Risk: The possibility of suffering harm, loss or danger.
Risk and Challenge Standing at 61 meters tall, the Gloucester Tree is from the Karri family, which is the third tallest tree species in the world. It was pegged in 1946 so that people could climb it and use it as a watchtower for bushfires. It's definitely not for the faint hearted. The Bicentennial Tree is 75m tall!
Fear Sluj0http:// Sluj0 What makes the Tyrolean traverse challenging? What were the risks? How were the risks controlled?
Skiing What are the risks associated with downhill skiing? What makes downhill skiing a challenging activity? What safety precautions need to be considered before a downhill race?
Challenging Activities Outdoor and adventurous activities have many challenges such as the environment. A climber would have to cope with the height and difficult terrain.
Challenging Activities In rugby the challenging factor might be to tackle a bigger opponent.
Challenging Activities In trampoling the challenging factor might be to perform a more difficult routine.
Risk Assessment Potential hazards or dangers need to be considered before any physical activity is undertaken. All aspects of the sporting environment need to be considered so that it is challenging but safe.
Risk Control Activities must continue in a safe manner. Participants should follow the rules and regulations of the activity. Organisers must be knowledgeable and fully qualified.
Safeguards First aiders, equipment and emergency procedures need to be considered.