Unit 5 Lesson 5 Word Study
Complete: (adj)Full, Whole He read a complete book in a day. Complete: ( v – regular ) Make full, Finish She doesnt complete her homework. Completely: (adj)Fully I dont understand this completely. Completion: ( n )The action of complete
Exist Exist: ( v – regular ) Be, Live existed Millions of years ago, huge creatures existed on Earth.
Hard Hard: ( adj ) 1- Solid, Not easy to break hard This ground is hard, I cant dig here. 2- Not easy to do, Difficult hard The Maths exam was hard.
- ion - ion: ( suffix ) Forms the noun from many verbs ionion Create : creation Radiate: radiation
- or - or : ( Suffix ) Usually shows the person or thing that does the action Radiator
Radiate Radiate: ( v- regular )Send out light or heat The sun radiates light and heat into Earth Radiator Radiator : ( n )Something that radiates The sun is a radiator star. Radiation : Radiation : ( n ) the action of radiating.
Soft : Soft : ( adj ) the opposite of hard soft School chairs are hard but armchairs usually soft
Universe : ( n ) Everything stars, planets, that exist any where. Perhaps there is a planet like ours in the universe. Universal : ( adj )