15 Hour Enduro 27 March 2010 Wellington Slot Car Club 1/24 Scale Flexi Super16D LMP 5 teams 3 hours ‘Darkness’
Chris Dillon, Paul Caplan, Nigel Boyce, John McPherson, Chris Parkes Mike Doo
Tim Moody, Simon Moody Murray Crawford, Ron Thornton (Zippity), Steve Murrey
Nigel & Neil Bidwell of the Dunheim Team
Tim Moody & Chris Dillon; “How many heats have we got to do?”
Rob Dale & Chris Dillon; “The brains trust of the 15 Hour Enduro”
3 hours of Night driving
Some results screens were dimmed.
Some Cars lights were very bright.
The new “Esses” well lit
The night driving was a challenge, but fun.
The new “Esses” from Race control Desk
Teams and their overall place 1.NZ All-Stars Kieran Dale, Paul Caplan, Steve Murrey, Doug Macrae, John Crothers Kieran Dale, Paul Caplan, Steve Murrey, Doug Macrae, John Crothers 2.Wellington A Chris Dillon, Allan Tucker, Keith Cheeseman, Ron Thornton, Gill Andrews Chris Dillon, Allan Tucker, Keith Cheeseman, Ron Thornton, Gill Andrews 3.Dunheim Garry Ferguson, Neil Bidwell, Nigel Boyce, Anthony Schroeder 4.NPSR Dragons Chris Wong, Alan Lee, Mark Burgess, John Warren, Mike Doo, John McPherson 5.Team Kiwi, 111 Tim Moody, Simon Moody, Chris Parks, Murray Crawford
Team Wellington “A” Car after 15 hours and 6,953 laps and second Overall
Plan YOUR entry for March 2011