1 Nanas Fruit Mia goes to Nanas house. Nana tells her she may have 5 pieces of fruit to take home. There are lots of apples and bananas. How many of each can she take?
To Model or Not to Model I do We do You do I do I think You think like me
5 Making Connections with Nanas Fruit Operations = 5 Algebra (equivalence) = Properties = 2 + 3; = 5 Data collect, organize, and display Structure make and test conjectures
6 Reflect on Nanas Fruit What do students learn from this activity? What are the big ideas? Why are sums of 5 important? What is an appropriate grade level?
7 Star Model numbers words/gestures situation concrete material s pictures
8 Star Model numbers words/gestures situation concrete material s pictures/diagrams
9 Star Model numbers words/gestures situation concrete material s pictures/diagrams Nanas Fruit
10 Star Model numbers words/gestures situation concrete material s pictures/diagrams Nanas Fruit
11 Star Model numbers words/gestures situation concrete material s pictures/diagrams Nanas Fruit = 5
12 Star Model numbers words/gestures situation concrete material s pictures/diagrams Nanas Fruit If Mia takes 3 bananas, she can take 3 apples = 5
Star Model Fold
Ways to make 5 Mia can take 5 pieces of fruit. There are only apples and bananas. How many of each can she take? = = = = = = 5 To make any sum of 5, find 2 numbers that make 5, then take 1 away from one number and add it to the other number.