Remote sensing, promising tool of the future Mária Szomolányi Ritvayné – Gabriella Frombach VITUKI CONSULT MOKKA Conference, June
Remote Sensing (RS): Images can be recorded from different sampling distance, in optional time and in the required wavelenght ranges Large amount of data can be detected from wide area, in a short time Invisible phenomena can be monitored, as well Change of the phenomena can be tracked MOKKA Conference, June
It does not have an affect on the target object Lots of sensors are available depending on the required wavelenght ranges Measurable, phisical data can be collected during the operation Collected data can be integrated to databases storing complex and spatial information Benefits of RS MOKKA Conference, June
Electro-magnetics radiation from the space comes into contact with the elements of the ground surface Basis of RS reflect absorb pass through (e.g. on water) Their rates depend on the type and the status of the ground surface Objects of the ground surface have different spectral features Objects and shapes reflect a differing way in every single spectral range Multispectral data acquisition is based on this concept MOKKA Conference, June
Electro-magnetics radiation Its source is mainly the SUN Passive RS Passive sensors Active RS Active sensors Measurement of the radiation coming from the Sun and reflected by the ground surface, or emitted by the objects themselves – efficiency depends on the weather conditions (cameras, multispectral, hyperspectral and termal scanners) Both the source and the sensors are equiped on an airplane or a satellite (radars, lidars – distance meters) MOKKA Conference, June
Electro-magnetics spectra (1) Only a part of the electro-magnetics spetra can be seen by the human eyes Short wavelenght range < 400 nm UV, x-ray, -ray Visible range: 400 – 800 nm Long wavelenght range : > 800 nm infrared-, micro-, radio-waves MOKKA Conference, June
Electro-magnetics spectra (2) Source: Dr. Csató, Éva 2000 MOKKA Conference, June Radiation of the Earth Reflected solar radiation Spectrum of electro-magnetics waves
Electro-magnetics spectra (3) WINDOWS Wavelenght ranges, where the absorption of the atmosphere is minimal, are called WINDOWS O p t i c a l WINDOW Micro-wave WINDOW Source:
Presented by graphs spectral reflectance curves Each materials and surface shapes have a special reflectance curve due to their own different features Spectral reflection Forrás: David Landgrebe Forrás: Buiten,1993 Land cover Clay content Water content MOKKA Conference, June Source: Water Tree Soil
The multispectral and hyperspectral (HS) imaging technologies are the most advanced generation of the RS Advantages of the HS sensors: Nowadays measurments are taken on hundreds of bands (VIS nm, NIR nm) Bandwidht < 10 nm continualcontiguous Bands are continual, RS is on a contiguous wave-lenght Most of them are dual-camera ( nm) airborne sensor Airborne Hyperspectral RS (1) The HS imaging records the spatial and the spectral features of the samples Source: FVMMGI Scanning the surface of the sample storing the image made by the matrix sensor Combination of the images „spectral datacube” HS information datablock MOKKA Conference, June
Airborne Hyperspectral RS (2) Building of the spectral classes from information Computer data- analysis Predefined criteria SPECTRAL DATABANK „Learning process” of the system – SPECTRAL DATABANK Classification of the information by pixels Statistical calculation Class Conditional Feature Extraction CLASSIFICATION Processing software - CLASSIFICATION System is already capable „to identify” the detected object. MOKKA Conference, June
Mapping of land uses Detection of the landcover Measurment of biomass Assessment of the phyto-plankton and chlorophyll-a content of the surface waters (water pollution, eutrofization) Status assessment of vegetation Mapping of the soil surface and –status: Soil water content Mineral content Extent and type of contaminationExtent and type of contamination Investigation of the efficiency of remediationInvestigation of the efficiency of remediation Status assessment of pavement and infrastructures Etc. Scope of the possible application (1) Environment protection – agriculture – industry MOKKA Conference, June
Environmental data Transport modelling Satellite and airborne data collection Building of a field specific spectral database Hyperspectral detection of contaminated areas Scope of the possible application (2) Complex environment protection and agricultural application Forrás: FVMMGI
Thank you for attention! MOKKA Konferencia, június 15.