H OME S TUDY P ROGRAM O RIENTATION (G RADES 1 TO 8) Welcome to the Parent Orientation! Please sign in at the back & have a seat…
H OME S TUDY P ROGRAM Finding God by Loyola Press ( nding-god-2013.htm) nding-god-2013.htm In conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church by the Ad Hoc Committee to Oversee the Use of the Catechism, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Prayer Scripture Liturgy Catholic Social Teaching
F INDING G OD O VERVIEW Grade 1: God Found Everything Good God & Creator Grade 2: I Am The True Vine Eucharist & Reconciliation Grades 3: Fishers of Men Church & Holy Spirit Grade 4: Blessed Are The Poor Beatitudes & the Ten Commandments Grade 5: The Bread of Life Sacraments & Worship Grade 6: I Am Who Am The Old Testament Grade 7: This Is My Beloved Son Jesus Christ Grade 8: You Are The Chosen People Church History
F INDING G OD O VERVIEW 1 Unit: 5 Sessions— Each Session Engaged in prayer Explore the faith Reflect on God’s calling Respond to God’s invitation 5 th Session highlights the Mass & the Liturgical Year
H OW H OME S TUDY W ILL W ORK W ITH F INDING G OD Complete each session in student workbook per week including activities and exercises (one session per week) ding-god-2013-children- and-families.htm ding-god-2013-children- and-families.htm Click on grade level Click on the appropriate unit for PDF outline of At-Home-Edition lesson guides Complete Interactive Session Review for each session completed per week Be sure to review the Online Study Guide before completing the Interactive Session Review When finished with Interactive Session Review, have scores ed to faith- org Scores are due by the end of each week
F INDING G OD —S ESSION N UMBERS TO BE C OMPLETED (G RADES 1-8) 1. September 7 2. September September September October 5 6. October October October November November November November November December December December December January January January January February February February February 22 Interactive Review Sessions due at end of each week; Finding God workbooks due to main office by March 1***
G OD ’ S G IFT (S ACRAMENTAL P REP )—C HAPTERS TO BE C OMPLETED (G RADES 2-3) 1. February 8 2. February February March 1 5. March 8 6. March 15 Student workbooks to be handed in by March 20 Parent resource for God’s Gift will be ordered soon (Date is TBA) God’s Gift workbooks to be handed in by March 20
H OME S TUDY A GREEMENT F ORM In keeping with all applicable diocesan policies and procedures, we will have necessary expectations that need to be met if you choose the home study program. Failure to meet the expectations in the Home Study Agreement form may result in the reenrollment of your child within the regular classroom instruction schedule for their respective grade level. Falling 3 sessions behind Home Study Program schedule will result in a warning communication. If work cannot be caught up, then reenrollment of your child into traditional classroom instruction will result. All forms and schedule is posted online at the parish website (
H OME S CHOOL W ORKBOOK A GREEMENT The Finding God texts are excellent in quality of content, online support materials, & visual appeal. The undiscounted list or retail price for these books is $17.95 each. If the workbook is lost or so damaged that it is unusable, it will be the family’s responsibility to purchase the replacement
F AITH F ORMATION O NLINE SSPP Faith Formation Website Click “Faith Formation” to take you to the main page The website has the following… Files/forms for download (registration forms, service hours, and school schedule) News & upcoming events in the program Please be sure that we have an updated address(es) to make sure you’re receiving the latest news and updates
F IRST P ENANCE (G RADE 2) & F IRST H OLY C OMMUNION (G RADE 3) Retreat (9-11am in Cafeteria) March 14 (Tuesday Classes) March 21 (Saturday Classes/Home Study Program) Rehearsal (7pm in Church) March 24 First Penance Service March 7pm Retreat (9-11am in Cafeteria) March 28 (Tuesday Classes) April 18 (Saturday Classes/Home Study Program) Rehearsal (7pm in Church) April 28 (May 2) April 30 (May 3) First Holy Communion Liturgy (sign ups TBA) May 4pm May First PenanceFirst Holy Communion
S ERVICE H OURS Grades 6, 7, & 8 Must complete 3.5 hours completed on parish campus; 3.5 hours completed off parish campus What are some good ways to get hours? Servant for a Day Friends of the Night People SABAH St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy Response to Love Center Volunteer teach/aide religious education classes for younger grades As different service opportunities become available, we will notify you via and the parish bulletin
P RAYER F OR A P ARENT T O T HEIR C HILD To my child: You are such a blessing in my life and I thank God for trusting me with your care. I understand that things I do or say may not always make sense, but everything I do is because I love you. I am proud of who you are and the person you are becoming. Thank you for teaching me what it means to love. AMEN