Zydus School For Excellence, Godhavi GANIT Week (Growing Aptitude in Numerical Innovations & Training ) From 16 th to 22 nd December,2014
Lecture on Mathematics by Eminent scientist on Lecture by Mr. Nagachenchaiah Ex-Director of Semiconductor lab, Chandigarh.
Essay Writing Competition on Topic: Math in our daily life, Contribution of any Indian Mathematician.
Quiz Competition on Math o Mind Quiz was conducted in three rounds.Winner got the certificates.
Experience sharing on innovation by the students on Students of grades 3-10 shared the best techniques taught by their teachers which helped them understand the concepts better. (e.g. angles with the help of a wooden protractor, to make a cube, theorem of triangles, Vedic Math )
Screening of film produced by “Vigyan Prasar”on Students were shown a video produced by Vigyan Prasar which was based on the life of Ramanujan followed by an interactive session.
Origami and poster competition was followed by a formal culmination function on Students made a poster on topic “Importance of Math in our daily life”