Adila Salman Mathematics Junior III
Long term goals Short term goals Standard Instructional strategies and task Anticipated challenges and solutions Resources Conclusion
To upgrade the mathematical skills and share a commitment to increasing the scope, accessibility, and excellence in Mathematics education in the 21st century.
To make them mathematical problem solver To make them mathematical problem solver To enable them to communicate knowledge To enable them to communicate knowledge Giving extra support to slow learners and improve their results Giving extra support to slow learners and improve their results To integrate ICT with the curricula topics and develop important 21 st century skills such as questioning skills, sharing, encouraging skills and problem solving skills To integrate ICT with the curricula topics and develop important 21 st century skills such as questioning skills, sharing, encouraging skills and problem solving skills Demonstrate team work by working productively with others Demonstrate team work by working productively with others
Standards for the 21 st Century Learner 1. Inquire, think critically and gain knowledge 2. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge 3. Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society 4. Pursue personal and aesthetic growth
TopicTimeline Who is responsible 21st century skillMode AdditionAugustTeachers Inquiring skills Presentatio n, Introductor y activities SubtractionSeptemberTeachers Direct instruction Project based learning MultiplicationOctoberTeachers Collaboratio n Intervening skills Group work, Pair work use of computer Word problemsNovemberTeachers Problem solving skills Competitio ns AssessmentDecember Teachers and manageme nt Setting targets for future Sharing and reflection
Completion of syllabus may take time Confident students might dominate and slow learners might be neglected Computer Lab. might be busy for my projects Student tend to open other sites while sharing their work Time should be planned properly Teacher must ensure the participation of each child by assigning task Proper schedule should be made utilizing the free periods Objectives of projects with rules should be discussed prior to the lesson
Other teachers who take my same grade and subject Internet Word processing, multimedia Computer Lab Stationery
Implementation of 21 st century skills into the classrooms will strengthen students learning and they will be able to communicate knowledge.