Giovanni Perucca GENERAL TOPIC The goal of the project is to analyse existing methods and to develop new models for the evaluation of the social impact of cultural policies. ARGUMENT/PhD-Thesis title Measuring the value of culture: theoretical issues and empirical evidence from districts and urban areas. Short BIO PhD in Economics (Università di Milano), he is post- doc at Politecnico di Milano, Department ABC. His main research interests are in the field of regional and urban economics, economics of culture.
Individual preferences for cultural goods Use value Empirical measurement Assessment of cultural policies Non-use value
Regional economicsCultural studiesMethodological courses Doctoral courses - Tools and methods for the economic analysis of the built environment Energy efficiency in building design, urban and regional planning Computational design for building manufacturing Conferences ERSA (European Regional Science Association) AISRe (Associazione Italiana di Scienze Regionali) Doctoral courses - Cultural heritage conservation and valorization Doctoral courses - Survey and experimental research methodology - Methods and models for the decision making