Instructions You must bring your own laptop, your presentation and a power supply Technical staff is present in all to assist with network, audio and video setup Speakers are responsible for presentation computer and demo equipment Please make sure your PC have correct video drivers installed. Be at your session no later than 30 min. Prior to your timeslot to setup your equipment Evaluation-slide will be send to you prior to Campus Days, which should replace the current Evaluation-slide Technical details All presentations should be 16:9 widescreen format Output connectors provided in all session rooms are: DVI, HDM, Micro HDMI, VGA For NON-Microsoft speakers: Own company logo is allowed on the Session Title slide only Sessions are non commercial – Please do NOT sell own products or services
UC301 - Lync Server 2013 – High Availability og Disaster Recovery Intro Infrastruktur Historie High Availability – Enterprise Pools Demo Disaster Recovery – Pool Pairing Demo Wrap Up
Start 1/ ansatte Konsulent – direkte og via partnere Undervisning Lync Virtualisering Exchange PKI
Lync Server 2010 – High Availability Enterprise Pools – op til 10 servere SQL Clustering Back-End Geographically Dispersed Clustering Tæt kobling mellem Front-Ends og SQL Back-End SQL Bottleneck Presence Cookie-Based LB af Web Service
Lync Server 2013 – High Availability Enterprise Pools – op til 12 servere SQL Mirroring Back-End med opt. Witness – via Lync Topology Builder SQL Clustering Back-End supporteret efter CU2 – via SQL Management Brick Model Løs kobling mellem Front-Ends og SQL Back-End SQL Bottleneck elimineret Lazy Writes til DB Cookie-Based LB af Web Service ikke nødvendigt
Brugere bliver fordelt i UserGroups (automatisk) UserGroups bliver replikeret mellem op til 3 Front-Ends i samme pool Loosly Coupled med Back-End (”Lazy Writes”) Bruger Quorum – minimum resourcer tilgængeligt for fuld funktionalitet
10 FE + tightly coupled back end Lync 2013 Preview (FE s+ loosely coupled Back-end store) SQL ® Server database (DB) bottleneck – business logic Blob Storage DB used for storing “Blobs” – persisted store DB used for presence updates and subscriptions Dynamic data: Presence updates handles on FEs 1-10 Front End Servers 1-12 Front End Servers
Konfiguration via Lync Topology Builder og/eller Management Shell Kræver SQL 2008 R2 eller nyere Valgfri “witness” (SQL) for automatisk failover for Back-End SQL Clustering supporteret siden CU2 – konfiguration via SQL Management
Demo SQL Mirroring via Topology Builder
Pool Pairing Standard til Standard Enterprise til Enterprise Fysisk til Fysisk Virtuel til Virtuel Automatisk Voice failover Manuel failover for øvrige services Response Groups er ikke supporteret Invoke-CsPoolFailover –PoolFQDN –DisasterMode –Verbose Invoke-CsPoolFailback –PoolFQDN –Verbose
Pool 2 User Data Pool 2 Users Pool 1 User Data Pool 1 Users Pool 2 User Data Pool 2 Users Pool 1 User Data Pool 1 Users Backup Pool 1 Pool 2 Data Center 1 Data Center 2 User Pool Failover User Pool Failure User Pool Repaired User Pool Failback User Experience in Pool Failover
Demo Pool Pairing
Evaluation Create a Text message on your phone and send it to 1919 with the content: UC I liked it a lot Session Code Jan Performance (1 to 5) Match of technical Level (1 to 5) Relevance (1 to 5) Comments (optional) Evaluation Scale: 1 = Very bad 2 = Bad 3 = Relevant 4 = Good 5 = Very Good! Questions: Speaker Performance Relevance according to your work Match of technical level according to published level Comments
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