13-1 Physics I Class 13 General Rotational Motion
13-2 Definitions
13-3 Direction of Angular Displacement and Angular Velocity Use your right hand. Curl your fingers in the direction of the rotation. Out-stretched thumb points in the direction of the angular velocity.
13-4 Angular Acceleration
13-5 Equations for Constant
13-6 Relationships Among Linear and Angular Variables
13-7 Energy in Rotation
13-8 Rotational Inertia or Moment of Inertia
13-9 Characteristics of Rotational Inertia
13-10 Introduction to Torque
13-11 Correspondence Between Linear and Rotational Motion
13-12 Class #13 Take-Away Concepts
13-13 Class #13 Problems of the Day
13-14 Class #13 Problems of the Day
13-15 Activity #13 Introduction to Rotation