Evaluating your employees Check if all your employees are on your list. If not, ask them to update their Manager information on their Profile, they will appear automatically on your list. Analyze the profile of your employees: courses, accomplishments, positions they have occupied in the Company, career interests, mobility, strenghts and development opportunities. Guide them if there are mistakes or errors that must be corrected. Fill the Competences Evaluation form, give your Grid suggestion to the People Cicle. If you need, talk to the People & Gestion team about the classifications. Your participation is very important to all process!
Your ID always begins with 2 letters which are related to your Zone: APAC – AP + ID number NA/Canada – NA + ID number NA/USA – NS + ID number CEE/Russia – RU + ID number CEE/Ukraine – UA + ID number WE – WE + ID number LAS – LS + ID number GHQ – HQ + ID number
Access: http://www.oprtool.ab-inbev.com/ Login: Your login is always the number of your ID Password: Your first password is also the number fo your ID. Detail: On your first access to the site, it’ll be necessary to change your password. After it, you can change it whenever you want. Important! The Remember Password item will only work if you already have an email registered on the website.
Accessing: Direct Reports Evaluation Action: Evaluate your employees - analyze their profile, fill their Competence Evaluation, suggest a Grid and elaborate a Development Plan when needed.
Accessing: Direct Reports Evaluation Action: Analyzing Profile – by clicking on your employee’s name you will be able to see and print their Profile Detail: If any of your team’s member is missing from your list, ask them to update their profile and put your name as their Manager.
Accessing: Competency Rating Action: Evaluate your employee toward the Company Competences – click on the small pencil button and you will be able to see the form you need to fill in. You can print the form if you want. Important! Don’t forget to click the Save button!
Don’t forget to click the Save button before jumping to the next page. Acessing: Direct Reports Evaluation Action: Suggesting a Grid classification – select a Grid from the box and click Save. Detail: If you have doubts on the meaning of each classification, you can either talk to the People & Gestion team or click on the button Label below. Important! Don’t forget to click the Save button before jumping to the next page.
Don’t forget to click the Save button! Acessing: Direct Reports Evaluation Action: Elaborating a Development Plan for your employee – click on the small pencil that corresponds to the Plan, fill the form and save it. Detail: If you click on the Publish box, your employee will be able to see his Development Plan. Important! Don’t forget to click the Save button!