Cummins Health Champion Quarterly Dashboard Aviation & Bakalar Report Period: Q2 2012
1 Health Tracks Dashboard Summary Aviation & Bakalar Current to Prior (Q to Q1 2012) Current to Target Cummins Total Physical Activity N/A Daily Average Steps N/A Participation by Level N/A HealthCash Earned N/A Enrolled N/A Engagement Scorecard* Key: Unfavorable Neutral Favorable Quarter Highlights - AB had similar participation to Cummins Total for participation by level, and had lower participation for physical activity, daily average steps, total enrolled population and HealthCash - AB should focus on increasing physical activity levels as they are less than Cummins Total and have not significantly increased since the previous quarter - The Q AB participation results increased for the total enrolled population and for daily average steps as compared to Q *Engagement Scorecard progress is measured by a + or – 3% change (neutral), greater than 3% (favorable) or less than 3% (unfavorable). Each category is the percentage of members who obtain a given level or above. Physical Activity – at or above Active; Daily Average Steps – 12,000 steps or more; Participation by Level - Greater than Level 3 ; HealthCash Earned - $100 or more earned **Physical Activity data for Q was pulled from the VHM reporting portal and data for Q was pulled from the internal VHM reporting database
2 Virgin HealthMiles Engagement Aviation & Bakalar HealthCash Earned: Q2 2012Participation by Level: Q Physical Activity Levels: Q Daily Average Steps: Q AB Statistics Q1 2012Q2 2012Q Cummins Total Total VHM Enrolled60%64%68% Total VHM EE Enrolled65% 77% Total VHM Spouse Enrolled52%62%53% 1 Participants that are inactive/not uploading are represented in the <7000 group 2 Physical Activity data is a measure of the site overall 12, 17% 14, 20% 21, 30% 11, 15% 13, 18% Inactive Not Uploading Low Activity Active Highly Active 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Spouses Q Employees Q AB Q2 2012Cummins Q >20,000 12,000-19, ,999 <7000 0%20%40%60%80%100% Spouses Q Employees Q AB Q Cummins Q Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
3 Virgin HealthMiles Engagement (cont) Aviation & Bakalar Percent Enrolled Population: Q Highlights - Half of AB's population has highly active or active physical activity levels - Continue to promote employee engagement in daily average steps, participation by level and HealthCash earned - Spouse enrollment in the VHM program increased 10% as compared to the previous quarter and spouse participation is higher than employees in all categories - AB has earned less HealthCash as compared to Cummins Total 0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90% % Enrolled EEs % Enrolled SPs % Enrolled Total AB Cummins
5 Mercer Financial Disclosure All estimates in this report are based upon the information available at a particular point in time and may be subject to unforeseen and random events. Therefore, any projections must be interpreted as having a likely range of variability from the estimate The information contained in this document and in any attachments is not intended by Mercer to be used, and it cannot be used, for the purpose of avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or imposed by any legislative body on the taxpayer or plan sponsor The dashboard results were obtained using data from Virgin Health and has been reviewed for reasonability but has not been technically audited
6 Data Dictionary MetricDefinitionPage Eligible All employees and spouses who qualify for Virgin HealthMiles. Eligible spouses accounts for spouses and domestic partners. (Q1: 1/1/12 – 3/31/12) (Q2: 4/1/12 – 6/31/12) 2 Enrolled/ActivatedEmployees and spouses that have activated a Virgin HealthMiles account and are able to accrue HealthMiles towards earning an incentive. (Q1: 1/1/12 – 3/31/12) (Q2: 4/1/12 – 6/31/12) 2 Virgin HealthMilesAn incentive program administered by Virgin Health in which participants receive HealthMiles for participating in healthy activities. (Q1: 1/1/12 – 3/31/12) (Q2: 4/1/12 – 6/31/12) 2 Physical Activity : (Q1: 1/1/12 – 3/31/12) (Q2: 4/1/12 – 6/31/12) Highly ActiveActivity for 300+ minutes.2 ActiveActivity between minutes.2 Low ActivityActivity between minutes.2 InactiveActivity between 1-59 minutes.2 Not UploadingPedometer has been activated but no activity uploaded.2