11-1 MFIRS 11 Arson Module
11-2 ObjectivesObjectives The participants will be able to: –describe when the Arson Module (NFIRS 11) is to be used. –demonstrate how to correctly complete the Arson Module given an incident scenario.
11-3 Purpose of Arson Module “An indispensable tool in the war against arson is the ability to identify where the crime takes place, what form it takes, and the characteristics of its targets and perpetrators”.
11-4 Use of Arson Module The Arson Module is required whenever the Cause of Ignition is coded as “intentional” (Fire Module) or Incendiary (Wildland Module). –No determination must be made as to criminal intent or whether or not a crime has occurred.
11-5 Additional Uses of Arson Module The Arson Module may also be used: when the fire is under investigation, or in cases where the cause is “undetermined after investigation”. to document juvenile-set fires, whether determined to be intentional or not.
11-6 Arson Defined “To unlawfully and intentionally damage, or attempt to damage, any real or personal property by fire or incendiary device”.
11-7 A - Header Information Header information is repeated on all modules... In an automated system, this information is entered once and imported into all modules.
11-8 B - Agency Referred to Identifies the agency, if any, the incident was referred to for follow- up investigation.
11-9 DefinitionsDefinitions ORI – is the unique identification number assigned to law enforcement agencies participating in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) system or the National Incident Based Reporting System (NBIRS). FID – is a two-character identification number used by departments to submit crime data to UCR/NBIRS gathered by its dependent bureau/agencies. –The ORI plus the FID and the incident number provide the necessary uniqueness to avoid the duplication of reported incidents.
11-10 C - Case Status Identifies the status of the investigation at the time the report was filed.
11-11 D - Availability of Ignition Source Identifies the availability of the ignition source (including matches and lighters) to the subject.
11-12 E - Suspected Motivation Factors Indicates the suspected factors that caused the subject(s) to burn, or attempt to burn.
11-13 F - Apparent Involvement Indicates whether the suspect(s) was motivated to commit the arson act because of involvement in a group or as a means to promote the cause of a group.
11-14 G 1 - Entry Method Indicates how the offender(s) gained access to the property.
11-15 G 2 - Extent of Fire Involvement on Arrival Indicates the fire department’s observation of the extent of the fire’s involvement upon arrival.
11-16 H - Methods/Devices Identifies the components, methods and/or devices that were used in the incident.
11-17 I - Other Investigative Information Identifies other investigative information pertinent to the case.
11-18 J - Property Ownership Identifies the ownership of the property involved in the arson.
11-19 K - Initial Observations Identifies important initial observations made at the incident scene. –Provides useful information relating to the property’s security status and circumvention of security systems.
11-20 L - Laboratory Used Identifies the laboratory, if any, that conducted analysis of evidence. Provides the means for the collection and analysis of laboratory data associated with a specific incident.
11-21 NFIRS 11 Juvenile Firesetter Blocks M 1 - M 8 are mandatory fields to be used if the person(s) involved in the ignition of the fire was a juvenile under the age of to permit tracking and analysis of juvenile firesetter trends.
11-22 A - Header Information Header information is repeated on all modules... In an automated system, this information is entered once and imported into all modules.
11-23 M 1 - Subject Number A number assigned to each juvenile subject involved in the fire’s ignition.
11-24 M 2 - Age or Date of Birth Identifies the age or date of birth of the juvenile identified as being responsible for the fire.
11-25 M 3 - Gender Identifies the gender (sex) of the juvenile identified as responsible for the fire.
11-26 M 4 - Race Identifies the juvenile subject as a certain race (based on U.S. Census Bureau categories).
11-27 M 5 - Ethnicity Identifies the ethnicity of the juvenile subject (based on U.S. Census Bureau categories).
11-28 M 6 - Family Type M 6 - Family Type Information on family type will assist researchers in determining those risk factors that may be a predictor of juvenile firesetting.
11-29 M 7 - Motivation/Risk Factors M 7 - Motivation/Risk Factors Identifies the stimulus and/or risk factors that were present and constituted a possible motivation for the incident.
11-30 M 8 - Disposition of Person Under 18 M 8 - Disposition of Person Under 18 Permits analysis of how juvenile offenders are handled -- is particularly useful in tracking juvenile firesetter trends.
11-31 SummarySummary The Arson Module (NFIRS 11) is required whenever the Cause of Ignition is coded as “intentional”. The Arson Module may also be used: when the fire is under investigation, or in cases where the cause is “undetermined after investigation”. The Juvenile firesetter Module is required when the age of the person involved is < 18. Whether determined to be intentional or not.
11-32 Questions?Questions?