America Moves Towards War Ch. 24 sec. 4
FDR Faces Challenges FDR knew Americans did not want war Also believed Hitler was a Madman and wanted to help allies Asks Congress for cash & carry provision
CASH & CARRY Allies could buy American arms as long as they paid cash and carried the goods back in their own ships Helps the US to stay neutral but also help the allies Many object, but Congress passes act
AXIS POWERS September, 1940 Germany, Italy & Japan sign an agreement called the TRIPARTITE PACT; pledge mutual defense to each other Become known as the Axis Powers
U.S. Prepares Years of isolationism had left U.S. defenses weak U.S. begins to build defenses Passed first PEACETIME military draft
Election of 1940 FDR first EVER to run for 3 rd term Opponent Wendell Wilkie basically agrees with most of his policies FDR wins with almost 55% of votes cast
FDRs Message After 1940 Election, FDR holds fireside chat Says there is no hope of negotiating with Hitler America must become the Great Arsenal of Democracy
Change in Policy Cash & Carry failing because GB running out of $$ FDR proposes US Lend- Lease arms to countries whose defense are vital to the US Much debate but Congress passes (US would spend $50 billion)
Hitler Cant Be Trusted June 22, 1941, Hitler ignores treaty w/Stalin & invades Russia w/ 3 million troops Predicts victory in 3 weeks; Soviets react with Scorched Earth policy, Hitler wrong US begins to send aid to Stalin
Germany tries to break US Supply lines Wolf Packs of subs patrolled shipping lines; Germans sank 1.2 million tons of British shipping US starts to protect lend-lease shipments; FDR gives permission to attack in self- defense
Atlantic Charter FDR & Churchill meet secretly on a warship off Newfoundland Atlantic Charter spelled out reasons for war & ideals countries were pledged to fight for (no territory, respect peoples rights, disarm aggressors, etc.) Became philosophy of the Allies; 26 countries sign including USSR & China, 4/5 of the human race!