Engaging Families: A Critical Link for Inclusive Early Learning Inclusion in the Early Years: Promising Practices Symposium Barb Reid, The GRIT Program (Getting Ready for Inclusion Today) January 20, 2012 1
15 minutes at a glance… Valuing the role of family Strengthening families skills and confidence The influence of a parent’s vision statement Link to quality inclusion and family wellness 2
Family Centered Practice is a process that links behaviors of professionals with outcomes for families (Outcomes= positive traits/ strengths) Prepared by: Barb Reid, The GRIT Program, Edmonton 4
What do we do? (Dunst & Trivette 2004) Adopt - Beliefs and Value Statements Apply - Actions and behaviors to demonstrate your values (“walk the talk”) Adhere - Reflection on effectiveness GRIT believes in… In the uniqueness of families The family is the constant in a child’s life. Families hold a central role in decision making for their child and family Parents have the skills and knowledge to meet the needs of their child and family GRIT values… Parents are active members of the learning team. Parent participation, learning, and advocacy as integral to quality of program Collaborative and flexible partnership with families 5
Everything we “do” either enhances or diminishes family strengthening and capacity building
Relationship leads to increase parent participation. Participation leads to family strengthening/ capacity building (twice the influence. Dunst & Trivette, 2005) prepared by: Barb Reid, The GRIT Program, Edmonton 7
Strengthening parents skills, confidence and family well-being Learning goals chosen by family: (FOS) Child development, diagnosis, community resources, Goals identified by others: (chosen by family) Long-term Outcomes: Interactions/ responsiveness, active team member, effective communication, advocacy, vision, quality of family life etc. Meaningful… family identified
How? Process 1. Home Visits Embed learning in natural routines, strength- based coaching model, reflective practice (Adapted from: Early Intervention Home-Visiting Principles in Practice: A Reflective Approach. Bonnie Keilty, Young Exceptional Children, Vol. 11, No. 2, March 2008) Looking Ahead Resource - Three years of early learning, at a glance, and beyond…
2. Honoring families journey Parent 2 Parent Support Navigation through resources /supports Alberta Health, Human Services, Education Barriers to inclusion - Finding a shared understanding with professionals Transition from home, community, school Informed decision making, life-long advocacy Added fatigue, stress and employment issues
3. Parent Vision and Voice Inspiring Inclusive Futures “If you don’t know where you are going… you will likely end up someplace else”
Sharing a Vision Statement - Inclusion in Home, Community and School A positive intention for the future A message to inform and strengthen knowledge of others A statement to provide clarity of roles and responsibilities (how we will work together) May improve access/ use of resources and support An educational tool to measure meaningful inclusion A vision statements speaks from the heart of a parent with an intent to move vision into action
Outcomes for families and child (Dunst, Trivette, Snyder, 2005) Greater parental satisfaction with services Increase likelihood of positive home and school relations Increased family well-being Increased parent confidence and competence: regarding their child’s development See the strengths and abilities of their child to be responsive in supporting their child’s learning to positively influence the future for their child and family Better overall outcomes for the child 13
Take home messages… Trusting relationships take time to establish. Natural family routines support responsiveness and flexibility to family requests/ desires (action beyond active listening). Process: Professionals enhance or diminish family strengthening and capacity. Active parent participation strongest influence of family capacity building. Parent choice- Honor and respect knowledge, strengths, and growth of each family/ child. prepared by: Barb Reid, The GRIT Program, Edmonton 14