The A B Cs of Finals
A spire to be done with papers before exams start Try to get final papers done before final exams begin If you cant be done with a paper before your finals, at least get started that way theres less stress and more time to spend studying for final tests
A rrive at Tests Early Sometimes there just arent enough chairs. Everyone has to come to the final. Not everybody comes to class (dont be that guy)
A ckowledge the limits of Study Groups A study group can be useful to go over material and discuss whats going to be on the test Study groups cant teach you the material that you didnt bother to learn or read
B e sure that youre ready! Make sure youre actually learning the material as you go along; go to class and take notes Dont put off studying until the night before If you dont understand something, ask the Professor
B alance Classes... or not. Make sure you focus on all of your exams, not just some Prioritize which exams youre studying for based on difficulty and the order you have to take them in
B e Aware of Stressful People Stress is contagious Resist the urge to study with people who are super- stressed (they generally dont end up doing anything productive anyway) Avoid stress yourself by being prepared
C reate an Environment Conducive to Studying Find a study space that is quiet and where you can concentrate Wear headphones...even if youre not listening to anything. It keeps people from interrupting you. Take advantage of additional study spaces on campus that are open specially for finals
C ommit to your exams Be a student first Make sure that studying is a priority. Your club will be here in the spring; will you if you fail a class? Dont judge how much time you study by how much time someone else is studying. Everyone learns differently.
C onfidence Be confident in your abilities. Youve worked hard, now show the Professor! Recognize that your first guess is often correct.
And Take Care of yourself! Make sure youre sleeping, eating, and staying healthy for finals. Nows not the time to go for the world record in not sleeping