Department of Alabama FUNDRAISING Unless your chapter has a wealthy benefactor, you will have to do fundraising to continue helping disabled Veterans and.


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Presentation transcript:

Department of Alabama FUNDRAISING Unless your chapter has a wealthy benefactor, you will have to do fundraising to continue helping disabled Veterans and their families in need!

Department of Alabama Fulfilling our promises to the men and women who served. We are dedicated to a single purpose: empowering veterans to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. We accomplish this by ensuring that veterans and their families can access the full range of benefits available to them; fighting for the interests of America’s injured heroes on Capitol Hill; and educating the public about the great sacrifices and needs of veterans transitioning back to civilian life. Providing free, professional assistance to veterans and their families in obtaining benefits and services earned through military service and provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other agencies of government. Providing outreach concerning its program services to the American people generally, and to disabled veterans and their families specifically. Representing the interests of disabled veterans, their families, their widowed spouses and their orphans before Congress, the White House and the Judicial Branch, as well as state and local government. Extending DAV’s mission of hope into the communities where these veterans and their families live through a network of state-level Departments and local chapters. Providing a structure through which disabled veterans can express their compassion for their fellow veterans through a variety of volunteer programs. THE DAV MISSION STATEMENT

Department of Alabama FUNDRAISING  Fund-raising is a necessary evil in many organizations. While the task of raising funds is one that requires an extensive amount of effort, the money raised during these drives is often necessary for an organization's survival or its support of worthy initiatives.

Department of Alabama FUNDRAISING  Educate yourself with rules and regulations that may affect your fund raising activities  DAV National  DAV Department  DAV Chapter


Department of Alabama  NATIONAL DAV REGULATIONS  REGULATION 2: CONTRACTS FOR FUNDRAISING  A “fundraising contract” is any contract between a DAV subordinate unit and any other person or entity that directly or indirectly involves or relates to fundraising by or on behalf of the subordinate unit (such activity hereafter a “fundraising project”). All such contracts are subject to the prior approval of the National Executive Committee.

Department of Alabama  NATIONAL DAV REGULATIONS  ARTICLE 18 - ACCUMULATION OF FUNDS  Restriction on Accumulation  Subordinate units may not accumulate funds, whether for service purposes or otherwise, in excess of three times the expenses of their last fiscal year.

Department of Alabama  NATIONAL DAV REGULATIONS  ARTICLE 18 - ACCUMULATION OF FUNDS  Expenditure of Excess Funds  Subordinate units whose accumulated funds exceed the amount referred to in Section 18.2, above, must comply with this Article by expending such excess within a reasonable time.  The expenditure of funds by subordinate units to accomplish compliance with this Article must be for service purposes.

Department of Alabama  NATIONAL DAV REGULATIONS  ARTICLE 18 - ACCUMULATION OF FUNDS  Section 18.3: Expenditure of Excess Funds  Para. 1: Subordinate units whose accumulated funds exceed the amount referred to in Section 18.2, above, must comply with this Article by expending such excess within a reasonable time.  Para. 2: The expenditure of funds by subordinate units to accomplish compliance with this Article must be for service purposes.

Department of Alabama  DEPARTMENT OF ALABAMA

Department of Alabama  DEPARTMENT OF ALABAMA REGULATIONS  CB&R Section 4.9: Chapter Fund Raising  Para. 1: Chapter fund raising requests will comply with Article 15 of the National By-laws… will be in writing, stating the purpose of the fund raising requests, how and from whom the funds will be raised and the expected amount needed to be raised… [requests] shall be forwarded to the Department Adjutant no less than thirty (30) days prior to Department Convention… Mid-Winter Conference …be provided to the Department Ways and Means Committee for… review and recommendation to the Department Executive Committee, who shall have final authority for approval or disapproval at the Department level. Those requests which involve contracts shall comply with National By-Laws, Article 15, Section 15.3, Para. 9.

Department of Alabama  DEPARTMENT OF ALABAMA REGULATIONS  CB&R Section 4.9: Chapter Fund Raising  Para. 2: No prior approval shall be required for a fund raising project where the gross receipts will be less than $5,000.00, provided that advance written notice of thirty (30) days to the State Department shall be required on all such fund-raising projects.

Department of Alabama  CHAPTER REQUIREMENTS  Be familiar with chapter CB&R

Department of Alabama  FUND RAISING PLANNING?  To make your fund-raiser a more profitable one, dedicate time to the planning portion of the process and increase the chances of a successful fundraiser from the start.

Department of Alabama  FUND RAISING PLANNING?  Backwards plan three to six months out  Approach vendor/ venue organizer  Answer (Who? What? When? Where? How? and Why?)  Organize volunteer pool  Gather information and equipment  Consider season of fundraiser  Extremes mean more fundraising members needed  Repeat successful fundraisers  Identify successful venues  Plan on changes  Don’t over expose your chapter

Department of Alabama  FUND RAISING PLANNING?  Set a goal  Date and Time  Target amount  Develop media plan ADVERTISE! ADVERTISE! ADVERTISE!  Launch the fund-raiser  Meeting  Announcement  Track the fund-raiser's success  AAR  Suggestions

Department of Alabama  Collect fundraising ideas  Other chapters  From retailers  Other local organizations such as the Lions, Rotary Int’l, BSA, GSA  Other VSOs in the community  Google “fundraising ideas”  Research at your local library  Ask members of your chapter/ organization  Conduct a brainstorming session and record creative ideas without judgment  FUND RAISING IDEAS?

Department of Alabama   FUND RAISING IDEAS?  Keep your eyes open for opportunities  Weed out fundraisers  violating the rules of your organization  which may jeopardize your nonprofit status  Remember that using someone else’s idea is sometimes the highest form of flattery

Department of Alabama  Break into groups of five  Select a spokesperson  Brainstorm ideas for fundraising  After 10 minutes we will have each group present their ideas  BREAKOUT SESSION

Department of Alabama  Jumping at several small opportunities may get us there more quickly than waiting for one big one to come along. ~ Hugh Allen  FUND RAISING CONCLUSION?