Transfer & Articulation Updates Education Partners Breakfast Janet McCurdy Transfer & Articulation Coordinator
MSJC New Degrees & Catalog As each new resolution is approved it will be incorporated into the MSJC catalog New AA/AS transfer degrees for MSJC: – American Indian Studies – Anthropology – English – Mathematics – History – Film Studies
Transfer Admission Guarantee MSJC has added a number of new guarantees for our transfer students: – UC Merced – UC Irvine – UC San Diego – Brandman University (former Chapman University) – California Baptist University – University of Redlands-School of Business
TAG continued We have had: – UC Davis, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, Los Angeles (Honors only), Riverside – CSU San Marcos, CSU San Bernardino, CSU Northridge – Azusa Pacific University – Concordia University – Alliant University
Other Transfer Information Did you know that Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, New Mexico and many other states accept CSU-GE and IGETC for general education for CCC transfer students? Did you know there is an out-of-state tuition discount for CCC transfer students? – – WESTERN UNDERGRADUATE EXCHANGE (WUE) Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). Students who are residents of WICHE states are eligible to request a reduced tuition rate of 150% of resident tuition at participating two- and four-year college programs outside of their home state.
MSJC CSU and UC Transfers AY AY04- 05AY05-06 AY AY AY AY UC CSU UC+CSU YearSystemStudents 2006UC13,765 CSU52,640 Year Total (2006) 66, UC13,923 CSU54,379 Year Total (2007) 68, UC13,964 CSU54,970 Year Total (2008) 68, UC14,112 CSU49,768 Year Total (2009) 63, UC14,690 CSU37,651 Year Total (2010) 52,341 MSJC CSU transfers reflect a 25% reduction for correlates to CSU cuts for admission. CSU cut admissions by 24%
AP, CLEP and IB Projects Academic Senate Executive Committee Resolutions 9.04 & 9.05 CCC statewide acceptance into General Education to CSU and UC – Standardizes units and areas where each AP exam and score is accepted CCC statewide acceptance into General Education and pass along to CSU – Standardizes units and areas where each CLEP exam and score is accepted CCC statewide acceptance into General Education and pass along to CSU and UC – Standardizes units and areas where each IB exam and score is accepted
SB 1440 Establishes requirements for an AA/AS degree for transfer not to exceed 60 lower division units using CSU-GE or IGETC + 18 unit emphasis and 2.0 gpa. CSU shall guarantee admission w/junior status HOWEVER not to specific campus or major. Students granted priority admission to local CSU After transfer a CSU cannot require a student to take any more than 60 units of upper division after transfer nor can they require a student to repeat a course that has similar content to a course taken at a community college.
CSU Early Start Initiative This is a CSU program to require students to start remediation before fall of their freshman year. Access issues are a problem so a plan is being developed to allow students to attend local CSU’s in the summer to receive remediation. CCC’s will also be able to offer remediation however we do not articulate remedial coursework AND we may not have the capacity AND we cannot waive the matriculation process.
UC Remediation Project UCOP High School Equivalency A-G Project: Same pilot as CSU’s Early Start. High Schools will be given UCOP approved CCC remediation list of courses so HS counselors can advise any student with A-G deficiency which course they must take at their local CCC prior to beginning their UC freshman year. This project also met with specific CCC questions and concerns for articulation, capacity and matriculation.
Resources As always! – –