Booking an Appointment in CHCS December 17, 2012 Implementation and Training Directorate Delois Klemm, Director 703-882-3918; Ronald Anderson, Deputy Director, Garrison Products 703-882-3950;
Physician Menu Type “MCP”; ENTER Type “MCP”; ENTER
Managed Care Program Menu (MCP) Type “HMCP”; ENTER Managed Care Program Menu (MCP)
Health Care Finder Menu (HMCP) Type “BHCF”; ENTER Health Care Finder Menu (HMCP)
When prompted to select the patient’s name, use one of the following: Type in the First letter of the last name and the last four of the Sponsor’s SSN. ENTER Type in the last name,first name (with no spaces). ENTER Type in the last name. ENTER
Type in the number that corresponds to the correct patient; ENTER
If the patient is part of a family, CHCS will ask you to verify the sponsor’s name. It should be defaulted to the correct sponsor; ENTER
Option 1: DEERS Ineligible Patient If you get this screen and the patient is not an emergent/urgent case, refer the patient to DEERS. ENTER to exit the appointment module. If the patient is an emergent/urgent case, type “Y”; ENTER
Option 1 Cont… Type in the Override Code; ENTER If you don’t know the correct code to use, type “??”; ENTER to view a list
Once your cursor is on Exit; ENTER
Defaulted to booking the appointment; ENTER Type in other letter options for other functions.
Use F11 to select all to narrow your search, or individually select specific criteria with the END key; ENTER F11 function (select all)
You must select at least Access to Care Category You must select at least Access to Care Category. Here, we’ve also selected Provider. Type in the Provider’s name; ENTER
Type “??” to view a list; ENTER or Type Routine, Established, Acute, Future, etc. Type ?? To view the list of choices. Type “??” to view a list; ENTER or Type in the desired appt. type; ENTER
Option 1: Select from the list Use END key to select the desired appt; ENTER Use the “End” key to select the desired appointment time and date. If you want to view more appointments, ENTER
Option 2: View all Appointments ENTER to view all appointments for this provider.
Use END key to select the desired appt; ENTER
Defaulted to Book Appt; ENTER
ENTER. For Appointment Comment, type your Three (3) initials; ENTER. Type Reason for Appointment; ENTER.
ENTER if everything is correct, type “A” to cancel or “E” to make changes.
Defaulted to No; ENTER If “Yes”, type “Y”; ENTER and fill out follow-on screen.
ENTER to print, or type “N”; ENTER
ENTER if you are finished;. After you put in your search criteria, this screen will appear if the provider you selected does not have any open appointments. From here, you can select “C” or “M” to change the provider.