Developing an Event Proposal: (RFP) SLS 3205 Summer 2007
Most Basic Objective Background Requirements Deadline
More Involved Objective Background Elements of Response Term of Contract Deadline Review
Objective What is the purpose of the proposal? What are you going to provide Be General Sell the sizzle!!
Background Executive Summary Describe the event, venues Describe what you plan to do as the event contractor (generally)
Elements of Response 1. Theme for the event 2. Description of any supporting events Music Food Contests 3. Description of specific locations to be utilized
Elements of Response (cont.) 4. Physical design of venues Schematic of fields Maps 5. Provisions for public health and safety Security Logistics 6. Availability and type of concessions Contracted Provided by association
Response (cont.) 7. Plan for securing participants 8. Plan for securing sponsors 9. Description of Advertising Campaign 10. Volunteer coordination plan 11. Community Involvement Proposal 12. Publicity Campaign
Event Organization Chart Develop a schematic chart that outlines the organizational structure of Tournament Organizing Committee Break down requirements into component parts
Budget Detailed budget for event 1 year- 1 month? Revenue commitments Necessary to finance event Startup and ongoing
Experience List your experience Previous events Work effort What did you (your company) provide at previous event(s) References Results of Events Financials Attendance Media
Selling to the Internal Audience Event organizers What do you have to offer them? Why should they hire you and/or your company?
Selling to the External Audience Local Community Visitors and Convention Bureau Sport Authority Other audiences SportBusiness Journal (examples of events) IAAM NGBs