Designing an Efficient Layout Chapter 24 Page 528
Work Centers What is an work center? An area of a kitchen especially equipped for a particular chore. A well-planned work center includes three basic centers: food storage, cooking, and cleanup.
Food Storage Center Refrigerator is the focus of the food storage center. Cabinets for food that does not need to be kept cool. Canned food can be stored in the cabinet.
Cooking Center The range is the focus of the cooking center. Microwave oven is also used for meal preparation. Other cooking appliances are: toaster oven, electric skillet, etc Pots, pans and utensils used for cooking.
Cleanup Center Includes the sink and the dishwasher. Also garbage disposal, recycling bin, and trash compactor. Dual Cleanup centers. Dish Storage after cleanup.
Mixing Center Food preparation happens here. Best placed would be between the refrigerator and the sink. Mixing bowl, knives, cutting boards and utensils. Mixer and blender nearby.
Planning Center Place to plan meals and store cookbooks. Small table and chair or office area with computer and Internet. Why would you need the Internet?
Other Centers Serving and eating center. Serving center can store dishes, linens and stemware. Baking center- marble surface for kneading dough and pastry. Socializing or casual eating center more popular.
Working Triangle - Formed by drawing imaginary lines to connect the sink, range or cook top, and refrigerator.
Triangle should not be so small that the kitchen is cramped and not too large that the work centers are too far apart. Ideal length of a working triangle should be between 12ft and 22ft. For a wheelchair= 14ft to 24ft.
Works best when all sides are equal. Traffic should not pass through the working triangle.
Island Freestanding storage and countertop unit. Look at page 531.
Peninsula A countertop that extends out into the room, with one end attached to the wall. Look at page 533.
Page 532-533 READ Be able to identify this layout options. All of them!!!!!
Storage Needs Step one- Identify what needs to be stored. What items do you have Make a list of all items to be stored!! Step two-Examine your list Step three- Reduce your list to only needed items
Step four- Group items that seem to go together. Put like thing, things that would go in the same room, together. Step five Decide where to place items Where in the home are you going to store these items.
Step six- Pack your possessions and number them correlating with storage area. Step seven- Select a storage system and install. Step Eight- Arrange stored items in a systematic way.