Are You an Average Student? 1.Take out a lined piece of paper and fold it vertically. 2.Number your paper 1-30 on the left side – Next to the number answer the survey question 3.Fold 2 pieces of white paper into 16 square (fold in half 4 times) – Number each square from 1-30 and inside each square put the answer to the survey question and circle your answer (for box #1 answer question #1) – Cut up your squares
4. Each student will receive the results of one of the survey questions. Calculate the mean (average). To calculate the mean add up all the answers (the numbers in the circle) and divide by the number of slips of paper w/ an answer. 5. On your piece of lined paper, on the right side, number it 1-30 and record the mean for each question. 6. Complete the graph. – plot your personal data in one color and plot the class data in a different color.
Reflection Describe the biggest differences between yourself and your peers and explain why you think that occurred. In addition, do you believe this is a good method to determine if you are normal in the 29 categories? Why or why not?