THE KIND OF MAN AN ELDER MUST BE Organization divinely given, restricted to local church Elders oversee, tend, rule, feed, lead Nature of their work requires certain character traits, skills, and abilities for them to perform their work. Not just any Christian man
QUALIFICATIONS GOD-GIVEN Found in 1 Tim. 3; Tit. 1 Choosing and appointing according to these qualities Not given to be ignored, to be unduly restrictive (keep a church from ever having elders) Qualify for spiritual work Some absolute, other relative; some positive, others negative
MORAL CHARACTER/REPUTATION BlamelessPatient, gentle TemperateNot a brawler Sober-mindedNot covetous Good behaviorGood report...w/o Given...hospitalityNot self-willed Not given...wineNot soon angry No strikerJust Not greedy...lucre Holy
CERTAIN FAMILY SITUATION Husband of one wife - married scripturally Rules own house well - those at home Children in subjection - under his rule Children faithful, not accused of riot, unruly - however many it takes for him to rule them
CERTAIN ABILITIES/HABITS Not a novice - mature/experienced, humbly stands for right Able to teach, exhort those contradicting - public, private Loves what is good - way of life Holds fast the trustworthy word - convicts contradicters
CONCLUSION Perfect man not demanded - never have elders Men recognized for their good character, willingness to teach, and influence, management in the family Not select just the best we have, community leaders, or business managers