Developing An Action Plan Seungjun Kim and Mat Morgan National Youth Council
Welcome! Introductions Recap on Saturdays Ideas Session Objectives
Understand the components of an Action Plan Develop ideas on filling gaps at your field unit Create an Action Plan to take back to your field unit to enhance your service delivery
General Framework: Action Plan Activity – objectives / results Timeframe Person(s) Responsible Budgeting – estimating costs Marketing/Communications Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing Communications
Objectives / Results Mission-related SMART Direct vs. Indirect Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing Communications
SMART S pecific M easurable A cceptable R ealistic T imeframe Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing Communications
Results: Direct vs. Indirect Direct – (quantitative) –training 300 youth at the NYI Indirect – (qualitative) –Facilitating networking experience, strengthening collaboration with youth advisors and youth volunteers Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Example: NYI Objectives Generate a customized learning experience for youth and young adult volunteers that presents tracks for multiple skill levels. Provide critical tools and resources that build capacity and strengthen youth involvement in key areas of service delivery Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Example: NYI 2008 – Results II.1. promote key strategic initiatives available at national level on the five (5) lines of business II.2. develop three different training tracks in accordance with the Red Cross level of experience II.3. develop new soft skills sets and professional development opportunities fro young volunteers and their coordinators III.1. provide youth and young adult volunteers with critical Red Cross specific information III.2. Fostering the collaboration youth volunteers and coordinators and enable chapters teams to develop concrete action plans Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing Communications
Design objectives and identify the projected results for your initiative Group Activity
Time Frame Time frame –Set a realistic time frame –Benchmarks Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Example: NYI 2008 Timeline: (Examples of key tasks) 07 August – October Evaluation NYI 2007, budgeting, finding the location for November – 08 January Identify NYI theme, Develop workshop frameworks, form NYI committees 08 February – April Generate /disseminate marketing materials, workshop/presentations due, finalize schedule and develop program booklet May National Youth Institute! Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Responsibility –Project / tasks leads –Staff and leadership volunteers Who are the key decision-makers? –What are their roles? –Delegation of tasks Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Example: NYI 2008 Key stakeholders National Youth Council, St. Louis Chapter, Youth & Young Adults Programs & Services, American Red Cross Senior Leadership Responsibility –National Youth Council Leads –NHQ and St. Louis Chapter Staff –Committee Leads Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Group Activity: Design the time frame for your initiative
Budgeting You have a great idea and a realistic action plan …but you need money to make it happen. Dont give up. Get creative! Set aside time to go after the resources you need Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Budgeting Preliminary steps: Decide on your project Develop a clear picture of what you will be doing and why its important (what is the impact ) Brainstorm a list of everything you will need to carry out the project Figure out what you already have, what can be donated, and what you will need to pay for Plan enough time to solicit in-kind donations Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Budget Categories Room rental Materials or supplies –Printing or copying Transportation Refreshments Equipment Staff wages Recognition items Entertainment Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Budgeting Planning your budget: Research costs –Online –At stores –Ask friends and colleagues Estimate what you will spend Create a spreadsheet Update document during and after project is over Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Fundraising Prepare your rationale and budget Tell your story –Use media if possible (photos, videos) – Make the case! –Practice your story on friends and family Choose your fundraising methods –Solicit individuals or businesses –Hold an event –Sell a product –Apply for a grant Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Fundraising Tips to increase your impact Ask someone to match the money you raise Beware of time consuming events Learn about other successful fundraisers and copy them Follow the solicitation cycle Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Fundraising: Solicitation Cycle
Identify your prospective donors Do some research –What other causes do they give to? –Who are they friends with? Use your information to identify possible connections Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Fundraising: Solicitation Cycle Develop strategies: Offer opportunities for prospective donors to become familiar with your cause via: –Correspondence (phone, , mail) –Events Ask current Red Cross donors for advice and/or connections Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Fundraising: Solicitation Cycle Ask for the gift Thank the donor(s) Recognize him or her publicly if appropriate Keep in touch: update the donor on your progress/results Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Fundraising: Getting Started Solicitation –Make a list of prospects –Prepare your pitch –Make phone calls or set up meetings –Always follow up Events –Brainstorm ideas –Create high visibility Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Fundraising: Getting Started Products –Brainstorm ideas –Research costs Grants –Research community agencies Business association, Kiwanis, etc. –Look online Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Fundraising: Resources Red Cross volunteers and employees –Board members –Development staff –Chapter CEO –Your fellow youth volunteers Friends with fundraising experience Internet –Youth Service America, Youth Venture, Do Something Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Example: NYI 2008 Expenses –Logistics –Training & Conference Materials –Events Revenue –Grants : State Farm –NYI Registration Fee $75 Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Group Activity: Design the budget for your initiative
Communicating, Marketing and Branding Your Plan Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Communication Strategy At a Glance Know Your Stakeholders ID Your Target Audiences Customize your message Build a communications strategy Apply the Red Cross Brand
Know Your Stakeholders Action Plan YouVolunteers Youth coordinator Community members Prep. director Board members Local businesses
Identify Your Target Audiences Core Targets (Ex. middle schoolers, youth volunteers) Sub-Targets (Ex. Teachers, chapter preparedness volunteers, board members) Future Targets (Ex. elementary school students, school district administrators)
Customize Your Message Know your target groups wants and needs Use the right language Use what you have
Build a Communications Strategy Web Website Facebook/Myspace Blog YouTube Print Posters Flyers Leaflets Newspaper ads (Free) Media Press release Letter to the editor TV Community newspapers People Presentations Chapter staff/volunteers Chapter board members Partners Businesses Local elected officials
Apply the Red Cross Brand Brand – tells people what an organization is and what benefits it delivers –The American Red Cross helps people prevent, prepare for and respond to emergencies (mission) –We help people perform extraordinary acts in emergency situations Source: American Red Cross Brand Standards Guide
Apply the Red Cross Brand Use our logo consistently Refer to the Brand Standards Guide –Go to to download the correct Red Cross logos Source: American Red Cross Brand Standards Guide
Summary Know Your Stakeholders ID Your Target Audiences Customize your message Build a communications strategy Apply the Red Cross Brand Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Example: NYI 2008 Building Visibility for NYI 2008 Marketing strategy for NYI 2008 –Online –Print –People Objective Timeframe Responsibility Budget Marketing/ Communications
Group Activity Design the communication strategy for your initiative
Show us your Action Plan!
Questions? [Insert contact info here]