An Era of Social Change
The Latino Struggle for Equality Dramatic population increase 3mil-9mil during the 1960s Diverse group: Chicanos, braceros, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, Colombians… Discrimination Segregation and poverty: barrios
The Farm Worker Movement 1962 Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta established the National Farm Workers Association which eventually became UFWOC or the United Farm Workers Organizing Committee Used nonviolence techniques such as boycotts, strikes, and fasting
Advancements in Latino Rights 1940s-1950s: LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens) won court cases against segregation 1968: Congress enacts the Bilingual Education Act which provided funds for schools to develop bilingual and cultural heritage programs for non-English speaking students 1968: the Brown Berets organize walkouts in E. LA schools to protest inequities in education 1970: La Raza Unida, a group established by Jose Angel Gutierrez, helped get Latino candidates elected in 5 states and numerous state and local elections
Native American Struggle for Equality Diverse: 558 officially recognized distinct tribal groups (including AK and HI) Historical mistreatment: broken treaties, displacement, genocide, cultural destruction, forced assimilation, boarding schools… 1924: Native Americans officially considered citizens and given the right to vote Tribal Sovereignty Demographics: poorest group of Americans, highest unemployment rates, disproportionately high rates of infant mortality and health problems such as obesity, substance abuse, and mental disorders.
Native American Protest 1968: American Indian Movement (AIM) was founded and took a militant approach to achieving rights. They wanted to earn back land, burial grounds, fishing, and timber treaty rights revoked by the US government. 1968-1971 Alcatraz Island Occupation 1972 Trail of Broken Treaties march to Washington D.C. Protesters took over a building, destroyed records, and caused $2 million in property damage in their attempt to get the US government to restore 110 million acres of land to Native Americans and to eliminate the BIA. 1973 Wounded Knee Occupation: 200 Lakota seized the town of Wounded Knee, took hostages, and engaged in a shootout with the FBI.
Native American Victories Wounded Knee led to a reexamination of treaty rights 1972: Congress passed the Indian Education Act 1975: Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act 1970s-80s: regained some lost land 1983: Supreme Court upheld Ojibwe spearfishing rights in WI (called the Voight Decision)
The Women’s Movement Women get the right to vote in 1920 with the ratification of the 19th Amendment However, women still could not enjoy the same freedoms as men. Their “place was in the home” Public vs. Domestic spheres
Women and men should be equal before the law. Women and men should be valued equally by society. Changes in the law and in society need to be made to ensure a better life for women. Violence and repression against women worldwide needs to end.
FALSE! These are all stereotypes. “Feminism is the radical concept that women are people” - Cheris Kramarae and Paula Treichler True or False? Feminists hate men Feminists are all Pro-choice Feminists are bra-burners Feminists don’t respect stay-at-home mothers FALSE! These are all stereotypes.
Second Wave Feminism 1960s-1980s The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan NOW: National Organization for Women founded in 1966 Protests Gloria Steinem -1971 founded National Women’s Political Caucus -1972 founded Ms. magazine
Legal and Social Gains Reproductive freedom: -Availability of birth control -Roe v. Wade 1973 -Maternity leave Equal Opportunities: -Employment -Education -Athletics Equal Rights Amendment (ERA): -First introduced in 1923 -Purpose was to guarantee that both men and women would enjoy the same rights and protections under the law -Congress passed in 1972 -Only 35 of 38 states ratified -Wasn’t enough and the ERA failed
Working Women Today
Women in Politics 111th Congress -17 female Senators (including Hillary Clinton) -74 female Representatives in the House -Women’s representation in Congress now equals a record breaking 17%. -Overall, women make up just 25% of the elected officials in this country
Quick Quiz (3pts) Name one nonviolence technique Cesar Chavez utilized to fight for equal rights for workers and Latinos. Name one right American Indians hoped to achieve through their activism and protests. Name one inequality that women still face presently in 2009.