Briefing on capacity development in response to SDGs Uta Wehn de Montalvo 30 May 2013
Content Background on SDGs Water-related SDG Water-related SDG & capacity development Next steps
Background on SDGs End of Millennium Development Goals (2015) Two follow-up processes: 1.High level panel on Post 2015 development agenda advise on a global development framework part of the UNSGs initiative beyond 2015 mandated by the MDG summit in 2010 final report: Open Working Group on SDGs suggested at Rio+20 conference (2012) work started spring 2013, report: Sep 2014
Background on SDGs “Global Conversation” 11 global thematic consultations and up to 100 country consultation. Aim: bring together broad range of stakeholders, review progress on the MDGs discuss future challenges and priorities in a new development framework, mainly on-line and via social media.
Water-related SDG AMCOW “[to] ensure a water secure world for all” UN Secretary General’s Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation (UNSGAB): A Global Goal on Water UN Global Compact’s CEO Water Mandate Jeffrey Sachs and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network
Water-related SDG OWG: 2 options for water (stand alone vs. spread) Global Thematic Consultations: Facilitated by UN- Water and co-led by UNICEF and UN-DESA; thematic discussions in three streams on: WASH Waste Water, and Water Resources Management
Water-related SDG & capacity development Capacity development not included in initial discussions UNESCO-IHE Expert Meeting on water-related SDGs and capacity development (6-7 February 2013) Recommendations: CD as target or indicator make a business case for capacity development -> scenarios to feed into water-related SDG work of the Open Working Group on SDGs involvement in discussions of other thematic groups on SDGs
Water-related SDG & capacity development National Stakeholder Consultations on Water: Facilitated by GWP in 22 countries Capacity building: sharing experience, institutional strengthening (Kenya, Peru, Mozambique, Georgia) “Water-related capacity development, both at the individual and institutional levels, will be fundamental in the realization and implementation of the Post-2015 Development” OWG: Incl. focus on CD, secure implementation of SDGs
Next steps incr.easing realisation of importance of CD for attaining a (water)-related SDG CD community advise UN Water, OWG and others seek and expand high level involvement at the following events and activities ASAP: Open Working Group on SDGs drafting groups for Budapest Water Summit, 9-11 October 2013 International High Level Conference on Water Cooperation, August 2013, Dushanbe
Purpose of 5th Symposium Thank you for your attention. Dr. Uta Wehn de Montalvo UNESCO-IHE