What I Learned From An Airplane Crash The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms: Deuteronomy 33:27a A routine takeoff with a friend An engine that quit lessons I learned
Bad Things Do Happen To Good People No one is immune from accidents Sad experiences happen to everyone We all feel accidents happen to others Teenagers are prone to feel this way Yet, tragedy is a part of living
Christians suffer tragedies too Patriarch Job is a classic example He loved God and God loved him Still he was devastated by tragedy He lost his children,his wealth, his health and friends But he stayed true to his God
I learned not to be presumptuous As I left that evening to fly I jokingly said, Well, I shall go challenge the heavens. I reflected on my flippant attitude We have no guarantee of a tomorrow Satan is prince of the power of the air
I Learned Faith Will Be Tested One only knows the strength of faith by trials and tribulations When the engine quit I faced death My relationship with Christ was certain Facing eminent death, I felt perfect peace
I Learned Were In Gods Hands There is no such thing as luck There is the grace and mercy of God When were helpless, were in His hands A paramedic said, You were lucky! I knew it was not luck, but God
I Learned the Value of Friends The love expressed warmed my heart The encouragement strengthened me Prayers and acts of kindness humbled me I learned the important value of receiving I appreciate the blessedness of giving
I Learned of Songs In The Night The nights of pain seemed so long Through the pain a song broke through Day by day, and with each passing moment Strength I find to meet my trials sore Resting in my Fathers wise bestowment Ive no cause for worry or for fear
I Learned of Gods Great Glory I found I was so grateful to be alive He wasnt finished with my life My renewed desire to honor God The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever Augustine, 1700 years ago