Anke Merkl Project Manager Clusterland Upper Austria OÖ. Technologie- u. Marketinggesellschaft m.b.H. Clusters – Networks for Innovation and Growth 6 october.


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Presentation transcript:

Anke Merkl Project Manager Clusterland Upper Austria OÖ. Technologie- u. Marketinggesellschaft m.b.H. Clusters – Networks for Innovation and Growth 6 october 2003, Trento

Contents Clusterland Upper Austria – facts and figures Cluster activities European co-operation

Upper Austrian leading Austrian region in industrie, technology and export 1,4 Mio. Inhabitants / 17,1 % km² / 14 % 23,1 % of Austrian production value 23,3 % of Austrian exports 4,8 % unemployment rate

Strategic Programme „Upper Austria 2000+“ „Fund for the future“ Dotation € 70 Mio – 2003 Programm lines: - Technology / R&D - Education & Qualification - Location Marketing Approximately 1/3 for cluster-policy measures

Targets of the Upper Austrian cluster policy Improvement of the competitiveness and innovative strengths of Upper Austria‘s companies, particularly SMEs, in the regional industrial and technological agglomerations through co-operation in networks: Automotive Drive Technology Plastics Furniture / Wood construction Eco-energy Food Health technology Mechatronics

Facts & figures Clusterland Upper Austria Manage -ment Start Part- ners Sales bn € Work- force Automotive TMG07/ ,153 Drive Technology TMG03/ ,862 Plastics TMG04/ ,336 Wood TMG01/ ,172 Eco-energy ESV01/ ,100 Food WK OÖ09/ ,315 Health Technology TMG03/ ,092 Mechatronics TMG01/ ,575 TOTAL 1, ,605 September 1, 2003

How cluster partner reach their network goals Data base: 223 company questionnaire

Contents Clusterland Upper Austria – facts and figures Cluster activities European co-operation

Cluster activities 1)Information and communications platform databases, company visits & interviews, company directories, quaterly journals … 2) Training & qualification specialised events, know-how transfer on trends and technologies; 1 – 3 events p.m., 4) Marketing and public relations Generation of regional identy, strengten branch image, presentations at major customers 5) Internationalisation co-operation with european regions, EU-projects, global market development measures 3) Co-operation projects special cluster funding instrument: 53 % new products / technologies, 38 % new production processes, 9 % spec. training

We initiate and support co-operation projects Establishment of contacts between potential project partners. Round table meetings involving companies interested in co-operation. Support during the grant application process. Special cluster funding instrument. Since 1998: 210 projects with 869 companies, € 8,2 Mio. funding volume € 49 Mio. innovation volume factor 1:6

R&D project examples  3D vacuum / thermoformed components  High Performance extrusions for PP window profile systems  Ferkel-Fit Moor

Contents Clusterland Upper Austria – facts and figures Cluster activities European co-operation

International Co-operation

European Cluster Network Automotive Clusters Plastic Clusters Textile Clusters Food Clusters Health technology Clusters Engineering Clusters other sectors …

Contact and information Anke Merkl OÖ. Technologie- u. Marketinggesellschaft m.b.H. Project-Manager Clusterland Upper Austria Phone: Fax: The TMG is the technology manager and business development agency of the State of Upper Austria.

Clusterland Upper Austria – innovation through co-operation The largest economic conference in Upper Austria. September 30, 2004, Design Center, Linz. Over 1,000 decision-makers from the fields of business, science and politics. Accompanying 4,300 m2 exhibition with 140 exhibitors We look forward to your involvement as a participant, exhibitor and/or sponsor-partner. ______________________________________________________________________ For more detailed information please contact Ms Anke Merkl: or