Travelling in an Urban Environment When you Have a Visual Impairment Accessibility Issues in the Built Environment for Pedestrians who are Visually Impaire
Introduction Legal definition of blindness is central vision acuity 20/200 or less in the better eye with correction or visual field of 20 degrees or less Prevalence of visual impairment increases with age In Canada 1 in 19 adults over 65 is visually impaired and over 75 1 in 4
Blind individuals Do not drive cars but need to get to work, the grocery store, childs school ….. Often travel to new and unfamiliar destinations and orient themselves to new areas and intersections Training provided to V.I. emphasizing skills that are transferable
O & M Specialists Provide instruction in travel skills; use of the white cane, in navigation and orientation skills Specialist program at Mohawk College Brantford Campus Only two facilities in Canada proved the training Provides instruction in how to figure out new areas and intersections and how to get information in how to plan routes
O & M lessons Usually required before and individual can travel effectively with a dog or cane Also includes developing auditory skills to safely determine traffic movement Maintaining orientation, soliciting information to effectively travel and use public transportation Putting these skills to use in actual travel situations on sidewalks designed and built by transportation professionals
Travel Skills and Techniques Mobility aids include: white cane, dog guide, telescope, sighted guide Low visions individuals may not need an aid or only use a cane under specific light or travel circumstances Guide dogs still required specific directly from clients
O & M Very important part of the Expanded Core Curriculum for BVI CNIB or DSBs provide the service to School Boards Essential to have this service available for BVI students in the Province Teachers need to know how to guide properly and work with O&M Specialists!