Does you day seem a raging fire? Does your world feel perpetually on fire? Time Management – Dave Kilmartin
And you’re running around putting them out? And that your day is spent constantly putting those fires out?
What do you do when everything’s an alarm? How do you navigate your day when everything is an alarm?
Your Goals?
Q2 Planning UrgentNot Urgent Important Not Important 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Q2 Planning UrgentNot Urgent Crises Deadlines Problems Important Not Important 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Q2 Planning UrgentNot Urgent Crises Deadlines Problems Proximate Pressing Popular Important Not Important 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Q2 Planning UrgentNot Urgent Crises Deadlines Problems Proximate Pressing Popular Pleasant Water Cooler Solitaire Important Not Important 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Q2 Planning UrgentNot Urgent Crises Deadlines Problems Prevention Opportunities Proximate Pressing Popular Pleasant Water Cooler Solitaire Important Not Important 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Q2 Planning UrgentNot Urgent Crises Deadlines Problems Prevention Opportunities Proximate Pressing Popular Pleasant Water Cooler Solitaire Important Not Important 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Procrastination Identify it Identify one activity you are currently putting off needlessly and want to start doing Understand it Ask yourself what feelings (A) are supporting the procrastination. Then ask yourself what behaviours (B) are contributing to the procrastination. Finally ask yourself what thoughts (C) are contributing to your procrastination.
Procrastination – tips to tackle By identifying the trigger for procrastination you can begin to change it. When A is the problem, relaxation and other stress management techniques may enable you to sit with the feeling and proceed with the task. When the difficulty is at B, use rewards to encourage the behaviour that you are avoiding, make it worthwhile to complete it. Finally when C is the problem, substitute your negative thoughts that are causing the procrastination with positive self talk.
To-do Lists are so 1900’s Task List scrapped, All tasks take…time!! So schedule them on your calendar!
Do You Ever Feel Like This? Insert Video
Pareto – The 80/20 Rule Italian Economist Your clothes Your time
Pareto Principle Exercise What’s in your 20% piece of the pie? Interactive
The Myth of Time Management Time management –Task lists –Usually urgencies only TIME KEEPS MARCHING ON
The Myth of Time Management
Making your schedule Academic Calendar: Be familiar with it ! Enter important dates –mid term/exams/holidays Enter dates for assessment/papers/projects/social activities Post up where you will see it every day
Get Above the Trees Block out time –Monthly check in –Block out WEEKLY time Particularly Sunday & late Friday COMMIT TO IT!
MagnetGoals List 100 things to do –Goals –Dreams –Wishes History of the Future IDENTIFY MagnetGoals
MagnetGoals List 100 things to do –Health –Money –Relationships –Travel –Life-long Learning History of Future
MagnetGoals Let rest for 2-3 days Re-read and identify for “MagnetGoals” These are your 20%!
MagnetGoals Road Map –Goal –What? –When? –Allies & Resources –Obstacles? –Who can help? –Coach or Accountability
FREEBIE Tool #7 :: Scotty Technique Under promise over deliver
FREEBIE Tool #8 :: Unplug Your PC Incredibly increases focus
TOOL #3 :: Managing Up When all priorities are top priorities… what do you do?
TOOL #3 :: Managing Up List current tasks List all new tasks Individually, all of them look “top” priority, don’t they?
TOOL #3 :: Managing Up List current tasks List all new tasks Individually, all of them look “top” priority, don’t they? Ask for guidance Don’t let the simplicity fool you!
TOOL #4 :: Report Card List tasks Rank A, B, C Refine rank 1, 2, 3 BUT when all priorities are top priorities…what do you do?
Exercise: Personal 1.Choose “Managing Up” or “Report Card” 2.List out “top” priorities 3.Prepare for your boss or circle what you’re “graded” on