The Challenge of being an International Church Introduction
1 Corinthians 16 Pauls Vision Verses 1 – 4Aid for Jerusalem Verse 1The Churches in Galatia Verse 3The Church in Jerusalem Verse 5Macedonia Verse 15Achaia Verse 19Asia
Other References John 17 v21(Jesus desire) That they (all believers) may be one… Revelation 7 v9 (Johns Vision) A great multitude… from every nation, tribe and tongue… The World says – Charity begins at home Jesus said - Love your neighbour as yourself.
Why Isaiah 59 v 19 –When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a banner against him. [NKJV] Know the enemy The four horsemen (Rev. 6 v 1 – 8) Conquest War Famine Death.
Where is the Banner The Church of God working in UNITY »Not Uniformity Too often negatives emphasised There are more positives than negatives Compare the Bases of Faith Links through our Missionaries Links through the Christian Press Links through individual contacts The recognition of need and our response
Maintenance of the Banner 1 Corinthians 16 v 10 –Timothy Young Mature Pauls protégé –Todays Church Young people –Nurture –Mentoring –Appraisal
ARGYLE COMMUNITY CHURCH An International Church? Can we do it? Yes, WE CAN!!!!